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i tested it on l2j servers, when you get curse you don't get dmg, but if raid is still hitting you it means exploit works, because you won't die and raid will kill himself by getting damage reflected by you


sure work but not in evry server

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When it comes to high rate servers you can use this trick, majority of "well maintained" have this bug/exploit fixed. Still on high rate ones (at least some of them) it still works. You can get better results if you could f.ex get an elpy (if possible) buff him with zerk, cast hex + possible buffs reflecting dmg. Try to imagine Baium hitting lvl 1 elpy for 10k[k] dmg. Just need to ress pet few times and Rb can be done almost alone.


Try it out ;)

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look when u attack a boss(in some serever) u get paralyzed and it dont attack u.. some server the boss when u are paralyzed dnt make damage(like medusa dance) but its nice that u think..

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