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Hey guys!I`m bored and have nothing to do,so many people have problems with they'r site coding (php) and i wanted to let u know the basics..

First of all , most of it wants a SQL connection.You can create it using this :

$user = "root"; //Your MySQL user
$pass = "pass"; //Your MySQL Password
$db = "hack"; //Your MySQL database
$host = "localhost"; // Your MySQL address (its as default)
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Error with MySQL connecting"); // AIO connect
$db = mysql_select_db($db,$connection)or die("Error with MySQL connecting2"); // database connect
$chars="set character set latin1"; //set chars
mysql_query($chars); // mysql query for chars

Its a simple SQL connector.So we are proceeding.. How to read SQL file thru web? Its simple one ,just configurate it by your needs.

But you need a config file like conf.php and including it in each page ,so this file can connect to mysql.

just type

<?php include "FILE.php"; ?> 

So here just change FILE to conf (like i said) and it will include it in each page you write that.

include "conf.php";

$query="SELECT * FROM reports ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1"; // Selection of SQL table and column
$result=mysql_query($query); // Getting query
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_array( $result )){ // The result
$some1=$r['some1']; // Description
$some2=$r['some2']; // Description
$some3=$r['some3']; // Description
$some4=$r['some4']; // Description
echo "<br>$some2";
echo "<br>$some3";
echo "<br>$some4";

Easy one ,Huh?

So enough mysql.. Lets do some other basics.

Like in other sites they have a config.php file.Why do they need it?

I use it to make a called VARS.These are like

 <?php $var1 = "Hello world!I`m php!"; 
echo "$var1"; ?>

$var1 is the displaying text and this after it is the real text.I am using ECHO to get the var into a text.You can do same for other functions ,but this is basic.

Okay a simple protection i`ll post below.Everyone knows what it means and its useful for some pages you don't want users to view.Here is it

$name[] = "user1"; $pass[] = "pass1"; // Username for login 1
$name[] = "user2"; $pass[] = "pass2"; // Username for login 2
//You can add as much users you want.

function loginform(){ //The form that unlogged users will use
echo '<fieldset style="padding: 2">';
echo '<legend>Login</legend>';
echo '<form method=post action="?">';
echo 'Name: <input type=text name=username value="' . $_POST[username] . '">'; //The name
echo '<br>';
echo 'Pass: <input type=password name=pass>'; //The password
echo '<br>';
echo '<input type=submit name="s1" value="Login">'; // The submit button
echo '</form>';
echo '</fieldset>';

if($_GET['action'] == "logout"){ // Logging out
$_SESSION['loggedin'] = false;
$_SESSION['username'] = "";

if($_SESSION['loggedin'] == false){ // Protection from NULL logins

$tmpname = $_POST['username']; #the username the user has submitted
$tmppass = $_POST['pass']; #the password the user has submitted

$t = count($name); #count the total users
$i = 0;

while($i <= $t){
if($tmpname == $name[$i] && $tmppass == $pass[$i]){ //Checking

$_SESSION['loggedin'] = true;
$_SESSION['username'] = $name[$i];
header('Location: ?'); #reload the page
echo "Your attempt is invalid."; //If something is wrong
loginform(); #show the form
die; // if something is wrong , destroy it

<center><br>Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION['username']; ?>
<br><a href="?action=logout">Logout</a> . </center>

I included some other things like Logout and stuff.. So anyway a simple code ,who records all IP's viewed the page you included it.

$file = fopen('ipadmin.txt', 'a'); // opens ,create a new file with storage
fwrite($file,$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n"); // Ip storing
fclose($file); // Close the file
echo "<br><b>Your ip was stored successfuly.</b>"; // if successful

This will record every IP viewed your page in a file called ipadmin.txt . You can change it ofcourse.

Okay one more script.I called it Redirecting script ,because its redirecting u :D Here it is :

$url = ''; // ULR GOES HERE EDIT IT!
while (list($var,$val) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS))
$url .= "&$var=$val";
$i = strpos($url, "&url=");
if ($i !== false)
$url = substr($url, $i + 5);
if (substr($url, 0, 4) == "www.") 
$url = "http://" . $url;
print("<html><head><meta http-equiv=refresh content='0;url=$url'></head><body>\n");
print("<table border=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td><h2 align=center>Currently moving to:<br>\n");

It can be done alot easyer ,but this is with PHP.Html is ALOT easyer.

How to get some info's from another site? Another simple code.

$url="http://BLABLA.com/INFO.php"; // Edit this link to get the info from.
$string = file_get_contents($url);
$edno=explode('<div align="left">',$string);
echo $dve[0];


Okay i think you learned the basics.. If you wanna just write them to remember them faster lol :D

Lol i`m making this topic about 16 mins :D Anyway thanks for viewing it.

I`ll make an advanced guide after a few days.


Thanks for the comments guys, i'll continue it on monday because im typing from my iPhone , so cant make it now. I'll create advanced one too, just to come back to home :/ thanks again for comments.

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