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[Guide] New form of how to use L2walker again in Dragon-Network


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funny shit.

i made the 2nd dll. dunno who leaked it. i left some "signature" inside.

i can just say there's nothing bad inside.

funny is also that by saying that and being my first post, no one will download it now, cuz "brr HE NOT ONE OF US, MUST BE EVIL brr"



anyway the bigger one is just bigger cuz its based on a more recent version of drake's dll that allow dual box. and drake probably added some more code, which i didn't even bother to lookup, since my own dll works fine.


finally, don't trust your computer firewall so much. you'd better trust an external one. i could make the dll manipulate your firewall (or actually the kernel) and you wouldn't see it, as long as you run l2 with administrator rights (=like everyone)


anyway, its just a game  ::)

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funny shit.

i made the 2nd dll. dunno who leaked it. i left some "signature" inside.

i can just say there's nothing bad inside.

funny is also that by saying that and being my first post, no one will download it now, cuz "brr HE NOT ONE OF US, MUST BE EVIL brr"



anyway the bigger one is just bigger cuz its based on a more recent version of drake's dll that allow dual box. and drake probably added some more code, which i didn't even bother to lookup, since my own dll works fine.


finally, don't trust your computer firewall so much. you'd better trust an external one. i could make the dll manipulate your firewall (or actually the kernel) and you wouldn't see it, as long as you run l2 with administrator rights (=like everyone)


anyway, its just a game  ::)



Eheheh... yeah you are true... the software firewall are not so sure... but outpost ask me what to do even if the system is asking for internet access... of course if u have the knowledge all the firewall can be bypassed... even an external linux box...


But however i can sniff packets sent by the PC if i have another in the same net... but im waiting to try your dll coz i hate this work... i prefer to wait and see if anyone got hacked by your dll :P

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Be Carefull...


IAMBORED pls post entire open code of your 160 Kb DLL...... !!!


i don't have no 160kb dll.. this is just the one you have on the 2nd link.. 67K packed 166K unpacked if i remember right.

there's no such "code". the code is the dll lol. Just disassemble it. then you get asm. then you figure out what it does, and change it with an hex editor in the dll file. It's how i modify it anyway.


anyway.. just funny to see it up there ^^

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Be Carefull...


IAMBORED pls post entire open code of your 160 Kb DLL...... !!!



i don't have no 160kb dll.. this is just the one you have on the 2nd link.. 67K packed 166K unpacked if i remember right.

there's no such "code". the code is the dll lol. Just disassemble it. then you get asm. then you figure out what it does, and change it with an hex editor in the dll file. It's how i modify it anyway.


anyway.. just funny to see it up there ^^






Yes man !!


Your work is very good and we all are botting now thanx to your dll.


but as you know there are continue account hacks and my asshole is 1 micron diameter in this period.... :)

I meant that you please could explain us what modify you did on the dll. Im not a coder so i couldnt do it by myself.


I thought that your dll was the 160k one. So please can you gimme a direct link for your 67 kb dll ??? I cannot download it fron FILEFRONT.


And... sorry for my bad english.

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; Exports


Index: 1 Name: AttachMe



; Imports from oleaut32.dll


extrn SysFreeString

extrn SysReAllocStringLen

extrn SysAllocStringLen


; Imports from advapi32.dll


extrn RegQueryValueExA

extrn RegOpenKeyExA

extrn RegCloseKey


; Imports from user32.dll


extrn GetKeyboardType

extrn DestroyWindow

extrn LoadStringA

extrn MessageBoxA

extrn CharNextA


; Imports from kernel32.dll


extrn GetACP

extrn Sleep

extrn VirtualFree

extrn VirtualAlloc

extrn GetTickCount

extrn QueryPerformanceCounter

extrn GetCurrentThreadId

extrn InterlockedDecrement

extrn InterlockedIncrement

extrn VirtualQuery

extrn WideCharToMultiByte

extrn MultiByteToWideChar

extrn lstrlen

extrn lstrcpyn

extrn LoadLibraryExA

extrn GetThreadLocale

extrn GetStartupInfoA

extrn GetProcAddress

extrn GetModuleHandleA

extrn GetModuleFileNameA

extrn GetLocaleInfoA

extrn GetCommandLineA

extrn FreeLibrary

extrn FindFirstFileA

extrn FindClose

extrn ExitProcess

extrn ExitThread

extrn CreateThread

extrn CompareStringA

extrn WriteFile

extrn UnhandledExceptionFilter

extrn RtlUnwind

extrn RaiseException

extrn GetStdHandle


; Imports from kernel32.dll


extrn TlsSetValue

extrn TlsGetValue

extrn TlsFree

extrn TlsAlloc

extrn LocalFree

extrn LocalAlloc


; Imports from user32.dll


extrn PeekMessageA

extrn MsgWaitForMultipleObjects

extrn MessageBoxA

extrn LoadStringA

extrn GetSystemMetrics

extrn CharNextA

extrn CharToOemA


; Imports from kernel32.dll


extrn WriteProcessMemory

extrn WritePrivateProfileStringA

extrn WriteFile

extrn WaitForSingleObject

extrn VirtualQuery

extrn VirtualProtectEx

extrn TerminateProcess

extrn Sleep

extrn SetFilePointer

extrn SetEvent

extrn SetEndOfFile

extrn ResumeThread

extrn ResetEvent

extrn ReadProcessMemory

extrn ReadFile

extrn OpenProcess

extrn LoadLibraryA

extrn LeaveCriticalSection

extrn InitializeCriticalSection

extrn GetVersionExA

extrn GetThreadLocale

extrn GetStdHandle

extrn GetProcAddress

extrn GetPrivateProfileStringA

extrn GetModuleHandleA

extrn GetModuleFileNameA

extrn GetLocaleInfoA

extrn GetLocalTime

extrn GetLastError

extrn GetFullPathNameA

extrn GetExitCodeThread

extrn GetDiskFreeSpaceA

extrn GetDateFormatA

extrn GetCurrentThreadId

extrn GetCurrentProcessId

extrn GetCPInfo

extrn InterlockedIncrement

extrn InterlockedExchange

extrn InterlockedDecrement

extrn FreeLibrary

extrn FormatMessageA

extrn EnumCalendarInfoA

extrn EnterCriticalSection

extrn DeleteCriticalSection

extrn CreateMutexA

extrn CreateFileA

extrn CreateEventA

extrn CompareStringA

extrn CloseHandle


; Imports from kernel32.dll


extrn Sleep


; Imports from oleaut32.dll


extrn SafeArrayPtrOfIndex

extrn SafeArrayGetUBound

extrn SafeArrayGetLBound

extrn SafeArrayCreate

extrn VariantChangeType

extrn VariantCopy

extrn VariantClear

extrn VariantInit




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Drakes one.



; Imports from kernel32.dll


extrn LoadLibraryA

extrn GetProcAddress

extrn VirtualAlloc

extrn VirtualFree


; Imports from oleaut32.dll


extrn SysFreeString


; Imports from advapi32.dll


extrn RegQueryValueExA


; Imports from user32.dll


extrn GetKeyboardType




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u need to compare against old one from drake because he changed it. also one is packed the other not.


if both files were packed with the same packer you wouldn't see any import difference, because, well, its packed. you only see the calls from the packer.


here's a newly packed version in UPX e.g.




its 77k.


there are tons of different packers



if you wanna check the dll you gotta unpack it first. there are automatic unpackers on the net, but the best is to do it yourself.

download ollydbg http://www.ollydbg.de/

open the dll with it (say ok blabla when it warns you)


run it (F9)


go into the views, select memory, see the rows corresponding to fldrv.dll. there are section names (.text, .bss etc <= this is delphi code from drake that's why there is this kind of section btw) dump the one starting with e PE (portable executable) header, its easy to see, there is a string like "This program cannot be run in dos mode"


dump it (right click => dump) and reconstruct the dll (with LordPE or others I think most tools can do it), and tada, its unpacked.


Alternative: load the dll the same wait in olly (or in L2.exe if u want) and use some automatic memory dumper like PE Tools. (it will reconstruct it for you, too)


Once you dumped both dll, you can compare them. Good luck.




ps: remember, my dll is based on drake's first dll, the one blocking dualbox and l2w. I didn't see a need to patch the new one, since he simply allowed dualbox on it (but not l2w)

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So... anyone have tried it?


We know it works... but its safe 100%? Can all of us be sure of it?


i don't think you'll ever be sure. even 100% legal crap you can't be sure of it.

even drake's files, maybe drake trojan u, how can u be 100% sure ? maybe his client is compromise, u never know.

it's like if something guy with 500 posts came here and said "im the best ever, and i say its sure".

and u will trust him, yet maybe he just lied the 500 past posts lol


i gave you the tools above to check it for yourself however

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So... anyone have tried it?


We know it works... but its safe 100%? Can all of us be sure of it?


i don't think you'll ever be sure. even 100% legal crap you can't be sure of it.

even drake's files, maybe drake trojan u, how can u be 100% sure ? maybe his client is compromise, u never know.

it's like if something guy with 500 posts came here and said "im the best ever, and i say its sure".

and u will trust him, yet maybe he just lied the 500 past posts lol


i gave you the tools above to check it for yourself however


Ok.. im belive in you iambored... one question.. You make this dll ?

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So... anyone have tried it?


We know it works... but its safe 100%? Can all of us be sure of it?


i don't think you'll ever be sure. even 100% legal crap you can't be sure of it.

even drake's files, maybe drake trojan u, how can u be 100% sure ? maybe his client is compromise, u never know.

it's like if something guy with 500 posts came here and said "im the best ever, and i say its sure".

and u will trust him, yet maybe he just lied the 500 past posts lol


i gave you the tools above to check it for yourself however


Same for me... i believe in u... and some friends are using your dll with no problems...


Thx for your share... ;)


It was only a question... dont be angry of it ;)

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    • OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE / FORUM - MILLENNIUM-HOOK.NET CHEAT DESCRIPTION: Our CS2 cheat is a premium cheat which provides a ton of features for legit gamplay. The cheat was created specifically for strong leagues and anti-cheats such as Faceit, 5EWin, Gamersclub, Esportal and many others. This cheat is perfect for players who want a safe undetected and reliable multi-hack while dominating their opponents and winning the game in their own style. To ensure maximum security of our cheat, we use more than 15+ methods of protection (for example, String Encryption, PE Header Erased, Code Mutation and much more that we cannot talk about for security reasons). Settings are directly configurable via a superb looking in-game menu or over our online «Cloud Panel». Our product is constantly receiving updates in collaboration with the our coders community and suggestions by you! 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It aims in a legitimate fashion) - Bone and Multibone (Adjust which bone to aim at or select as many Bones as you want) - Smoothaim (Adjust how smooth the aimbot is in its human-like drag) - CloseAim (Toggle distance based aiming algorithm, for increased stickyness, or whoever is closest to the crosshair) - FoV (Adjust the Field of View of the aimbot or percentage of the screen that the aimbot will target enemies from) - Aimkey (Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim) - AimDraw (Toggle the drawing of the aimspot on enemies (Visible/Always) - VisibleCheck (Visible checking on enemies with close enemy) - NoHop (Aim at One Target per press of the AimKey (Aimbot Doesn't Hop to Other Targets even after death) - RandomSpot (Randomizes the Spot around the target bones, making your aim look more humanized and legit) - Aimtime (Amount of time that the aimbot and Aimbot-RCS is active for, after you press the aimkey) - Ammo Management (Disable aimbot and TriggerBot when the gun clip is empty) - CloseFoV (Different FoV for players with in a certain distance (CloseFOV Distance) - AimOnShoot (Aim when shooting, aim when not shooting) - RecoilAfter (Start recoil after x bullets (Good for 1-2 Taps) - Recoil (Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot) - RecoilKey (Adjust which key the anti-recoil is set on (For all Aimbot Keys) - RecoilType (Control if recoil control is always on or only when using the Aimbot) - RecoilFOV (Adjust how long the Recoil will stay stuck to the target, very usable for when playing at a LAN) TRIGGERBOT: - TriggerBot (Automatically shoot at an enemy in a radius (usable with or without Aimbot) - TriggerKey (Control what key activates the TriggerBot (use with any key) - TriggerFov (Control the radius around the AimSpot which activates the TriggerBot) - TriggerDraw (Draw the bone spot that the TriggerBot is aiming at) - TriggerBone (Select the bone that the TriggerBot will target) - TriggerDelay (To add to the legitimacy of the TriggerBot, delays shooting for up to 0.5 seconds) - MonsterTrigger (Extremely Fast & Accurate TriggerBot with Fullbody Options Perfect TriggerBot) - VisCheck (Make sure you're only hitting enemies that you can see, or turn it off to get some sick wallbangs) - Random Delay (A random delay for your trigger bot to look even more legitimate) - Trigger Button (Use any button you like to control the triggerbot) ESP: - Name (Name of the player) - Health (Shows the current health of a player) - Armor (Shows the current amount of armor a player has) - ArmorType (Show if a player currently has a Kevlar vest, a helmet or both equipped) - Weapon (See what weapon a player is currently holding) - Weapon Ammo (See how much ammo you have left in the current clip) - Index (The internal index of the player based on the CSGO engine) - Distance (The distance of each player from you) - Box (A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (new rectangle box type) - Sequence (What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, Scoped etc) - Box Size & Box Multi (The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like) - Team ESP (Toggle ESP on your teammates) - Clean Draw ESP (Move ESP away from box) - Pixel ESP (Single Pixel ESP for legitimate play, shows one single pixel on the screen so it's not noticeable to any casual observers) - Visible ESP (Different color ESP for visible & non-visible players) - Entity ESP (See weapons, defusers, Bomb Location, and defusing players) - Entity Distance (Adjust how far away you will see different Entities for the ultimate in Player-Location assistance) - List ESP (The Ultimate Legit ESP, Listing Players that are not on your screen, or players anywhere in case you don't want to know where they are exactly) MISC: - Bunny Hop (Jumps automatically while the chosen key is being held) - Crosshair (When enabled it will draw a cross-hair on your screen, perfect for snipers, it also features an adjustable size) - Weapon Config System (Weapon configurations for each weapon group (pistols, deagle, snipers, SMG, Knife, rifles, etc) - Flash reduction (Make sure you can see enemies while you're supposed to be flashed) - Radar In Game (A radar is displayed where you see opponents) REQUIREMENTS: - Included HWID Spoofer: Yes - Stream Bypass: Yes - Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless - Supported CPU: Intel & AMD - Supported OS: Windows 10 (1903,1909,2004,20H2,21H1, 22H2), Windows 11 (All version). Supported OS change and are added periodically. More check on official website.   IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS:   - Check on the official website.
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