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[Guide] Tricky farming method .

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Too be honest , wouldn't it be faster with a Dreadnought  with reflect and protect buffs?


He has a point there, but you cant go around luring rooms with NG armor, ull need atleast tallum heavy with the +8% att spd bonus and the +str... and yeah u will reflect damage but not as much as a bishop.

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mmm not have tested but dude it wont be faster to get full buff and go to a place with undead mobs..i mean high rates u have good xp by base if then u go to undead zones cemetary, imperial tomb and spam might of heaven

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On some servers it's not slow... You can farm at places alone where only party can farm. I was using it before long long time, but this in some servers is fixed.. :/ You can't do it, because mobs have big regeneration time so when they get damage from reflection they regenerate 2x more... ;|

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On some servers it's not slow... You can farm at places alone where only party can farm. I was using it before long long time, but this in some servers is fixed.. :/ You can't do it, because mobs have big regeneration time so when they get damage from reflection they regenerate 2x more... ;|


Actually , now as Admin I figured the thing out .


Most of people give extreme p atk to custom mobs , to make them harder . Actually , they are making them easier ! If you set 20k p def to a mob , you can't set 2kk hp . So , you give 200k hp . If the mob his you for 3k dmg(you with devotion equiped) , you'll reflect 1.5k so , 200k hp vanish easily


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clever.. u can do the same with one of ur friends... take a sk and a full geared bishop... (sk without armor) sk has passive skils for reflect..so more reflect (sk has more hp than bishop also):D

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