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Can you make me two sign? Signatures: with name -Bx*-ViruC* subtitle:L2Skill Developer and one more signature with CS moderator subtitle and same name Black + blue



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Can you make me two sign? Signatures: with name -Bx*-ViruC* subtitle:L2Skill Developer and one more signature with CS moderator subtitle and same name Black + blue




I don't know what u want ...make a list like this





@ZeRo* yeap i know is nice and is really easy to do but i don't like to share (EVIL) :P ohh and btw ur avatar sux :D

@Futzi here is ur sig


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@ZeRo* yeap i know is nice and is really easy to do but i don't like to share (EVIL) :P ohh and btw ur avatar sux :D

Ohh come on...Share it ... Don't be a bad boy .... :P

About my avatar... You are go evil!! J/k :D If you have time make one like this i have now... ^^

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Ohh come on...Share it ... Don't be a bad boy .... :P

About my avatar... You are go evil!! J/k :D If you have time make one like this i have now... ^^


I won't make one like u have now ...u know why ...ofc not cuz it sux :P i will make smthing like ur sig :D w8 1 min


Edit: here it is 315cs9w.gif

PS : Tell me when u will see some 1 faster than me :P

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@DarkSlayer Here is ur sig :D and btw Futzi was before u ...don't tell me i don't know to count (i'm not a retard) :)


Ps DarkSlayer refresh the page ur sig is done :D


Realy?? ok sorry then i dont looked good my false...


P.S can u anwoser me for the before post


That Here


Mike wen u have time can u make me one more plz for my friend??



Title: Arik6

SubTitle: MaxCheaters Member

Color: Yellow + Black...



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can you please please please create a guide for this?


i will award you with +1 karma


after all you have helped many ;)


And what should i do with karma ?

Tip: Stick it in my ass ? ^_^


@Darkslayer dude i forgot to ask u who's sofaki ? Ur Girlfriend ? A pornstar ?


@Futzi for what are u sorry i told him that u was first ... ohh and about ur second request no i don't have time to make another signature (false) .I got time but i don't want c'uz i alredy made u one and if i will make another all will want another and another (true)

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