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{Guide}Walker Routes Interlude L2j

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Allo Gyes

In this guide i will explain you who to pass in your server walker router


First of all,

Go to C:\server\gameserver\config\option.properties

Find this:


#Allow WalkerNPC

AllowNpcWalkers = False


From false change it to true


After download the SQL File From Here


In order to make a npc walker you must go in database And change the npc it from L2Npc to L2NpcWalker



25846 30314 Raut 1 MyServer 1 NPC.a_traderB_MHuman 8 25 99 male L2NpcWalker 40 99999999 .......



And You Are Ready  ;)


For The Html go to: C:\server\gameserver\data\html\default


1 NPC Walker http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=53395.0



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