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[Share] My Colection For L2 starting Perfect Server's!

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It is From Me ! For a Perfect Server xD  [move]Programs![/move]


#Make Your Quest In your Server. Quest Manager

1) http://www.4shared.com/file/103356735/c761bd05/L2_Quest_Manager.html


#Your Faster Gm Shop! Shop Manager

2) http://www.4shared.com/file/103357696/1df90967/L2_Faster_GmShop.html


#Fix Skills Fast in your Server. SkillEditor 1.1

3) http://www.4shared.com/file/103358649/608b7aed/SkillEditor.html


#Translation Corean - English. Translation Editor

4) http://www.4shared.com/file/103362730/7fc9a40d/Corean_Translit.html


#Noblesse Quest 100% Work! Noblesse Quest

5) http://www.4shared.com/file/103373699/78e4d0c1/noblesse_100_Work.html


#New DataBase Moved From MySql! DataBase Lineage2 From MySql

6) http://www.4shared.com/file/103363524/da87e25e/DataBase_Lineage2_From_MySql.html








#File Edite l2J (only c5-c6)! l2 File Ede 6.0

7) http://www.4shared.com/file/103374608/43f663a7/L2_FileEdit_60.html


#Game Guard Emulator..... Emulator GG 966-XxX

8) http://www.4shared.com/file/103383598/8ff5c9df/GG_guard_Emulator__966xxx_.html


#Administrators Chat... Chat For Admins Gm's

9) http://www.4shared.com/file/103384554/b721f241/Admins_Chat.html



#Fixed Skill By me! Fixed Skills By DeathCrip

10) http://www.4shared.com/file/103386038/440f138c/Fixed_Skills_by_DeathCrip.html


Fixed Active:


#Victories of Pa'agrio

#Pa'agrio's Emblem

#Pa'agrio's Fist

#Sonic Barier

#Magnus Chat

#Summon Friend

#Word of invitation

#Mystic Immunity

#Sonic Move

#Song of Silence

#Shield of Revenge

#Spell Force

#Brave Heart

#Battle Force

#Celestial Shield


#Force Barrier

#Escape Shackle

#Counter Attack

#Force Meditation

#Shock Stomp


Fixed Passive:


#Knight Hood



#Master of Combat

#Summon Lore

#Divine Lore

#Inner Rythm

#Arcane Lore



#New Skill For All Clients! Kamehameha Master Roshi personal skill

11) http://www.4shared.com/file/103387694/b67acfa/New_Skill_KameHamena.html



#New Super Event! Super Event

######## http://www.4shared.com/file/103376163/2d38c3a7/super_event.html ########


~The essence of Event in the fact that from any mob falls item

~you exchange it in the relationship of 1k10 and with the use of obtained item!

~Those give super- Buff For 1 hour!

Stat Skill:



~<effect name="Buff" time="3600" count="1" val="0">

~<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.50"/>

~<mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='pAtk'/>

~<mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='mAtk'/>

~<mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='mAtkSpd'/>

~<mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

~<add val='2500' order='0x10' stat='maxMp'/>

~<add val='2500' order='0x10' stat='maxHp'/>

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Np mate.

And something more , you said : " I is From My! For Perfect Forum Xd " ---> just to correct you ;) it goes like this "It is From Me ! For a Perfect Server xD "


I hope you understnad me ;)

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