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[Event] Garena DotA Tournament 1#

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ey dude, you are supposed to be better than us you are an WoW mod remember :P?


i sincerely doubt what you are saying...


i am a wow mod... i am not imba :S


also, many ppl l2/cs mods i am sure that i can pwn their in their "speciality"

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Critics for both games :


1st game..


Bad hero pick from scourge..

Bad hero control from TheEnd[broodmother] [instead of starting making minions with his skill from mobs he waited till 7 lvl when he level the skill to 4 level when he already bought mana pots in the start]

Bad Items Build from almost everyone...

Bad anti-mages[i dont mean kenji i mean anti magicians...] items... why hood of defiance vs 1 INT hero? Why wasting money, he has like 1 active skill and thats wisps...

2nd game..


Bad ANTI-TANK's from scourge side..

Bad draw from IamAlone , why will you pick necrolyte versus 2 agi's and 1 tank....smart..



I cannot judge correctly the 2nd game as i was an player and a non-observer. Next time we should have real judges/observers..

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Bad anti-mage items... why hood of defiance vs 1 INT hero? Why wasting money, he has like 1 active skill and thats wisps...


wtf?! i didn't get hood of defiance ;S??


all i had time for was vaguard,treads,vlads, two wraith and one bracer :D

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Critics for both games :


1st game..


Bad hero pick from scourge..

Bad hero control from TheEnd[broodmother]

Bad Items Build from almost everyone...

Bad anti-mage items... why hood of defiance vs 1 INT hero? Why wasting money, he has like 1 active skill and thats wisps...

2nd game..


Bad ANTI-TANK's from scourge side..

Bad draw from IamAlone , why will you pick necrolyte versus 2 agi's and 1 tank....smart..



I cannot judge correctly the 2nd game as i was an player and a non-observer. Next time we should have real judges/observers..

in the second game as i said before u are right but i pick a hero that i like too much and i try to play .. no matter that will lose i enjoy the game

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I get because enchntress with 3 of her ulty  was pwed me xD

lol, the another thing... why running from ecnhantres? You know the damage increase with the distance... instead of running you could  gang her always 1v1with ulti...


you didn't need it instead of that you could buy a dagger and gang them when they are alone and gain money for whatever else you want..

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sorry i couldn't join...but i was not informed for the time change.....i logged just now and saw the pm from lain about time change!

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sorry i couldn't join...but i was not informed for the time change.....i logged just now and saw the pm from lain about time change!


it was originately at 5 =D


anyway look at the comments and the replays and make your own conclusions :)

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