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Using this thoroughly explained, detailed photoshop lesson, I will explain to you how to create twirl background.


Step 1


Create a new Photoshop document 400px X 400px and fill the background with black color.




Step 2


Choose now Filter>Render>Lens Flare and make the adjustments as follow:




Repeat this process all over till you have it like below.




Step 3


Duplicate now  your layer (CTRL + J). While the copied layer is still selected, go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur and make the adjustments as follow:




Step 4


Choose now Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation (CTRL + U). After that, when that window pops up, choose the following options:




Now, you get this:




Step 6


Now, set the top layers blending mode to Overlay.




Step 7


Choose now Layer>Merge Down or just hit CTRL + E key on the keyboard.


Step 8


Duplicate now layer again (CTRL + J), and choose Filter>Distort>Twirl and make the adjustments as follow:




Now, you have to get something like this:




Step 9


Now set the top layers blending mode on Lighten. See the picture below!




Step 10


Hit now again CTRL + E key on the keyboard to merge layer again.


Step 11


Repeat now step 3.


Step 12


Choose now Filter>Sketch>Chrome and make the adjustments as follow:




Now, you have to get something like this:




Step 13


Hit now Ctrl+U key and make the adjustments as follow:




Step 14


Now set the layers blending mode to Color Dodge.


Step 15


Choose now Layer->Flatten Image.


Step 16


Enter now some text if you like and that's it!




Credits ~~> Appears at last image ;)



which links ? ^_^'


nvm , it was asking me ID and psw to let me see the images , it spammed my firefox when i tried to access this topic cuz of the pics , now its fine.

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