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[GUIDE]Pos na ftiaxete diko sas L2JArchid Server. Bima Pros Bima. (IL)

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Gia se olous apofasisa na ftiaxw ena guide gia to pos na ftiaxete diko sas l2jarchid server.


Bima 1. Kateuaste afta ta 5 arxia:


http://www.4shared.com/file/101244315/39f454ec/jxpiinstall-6u13-fcs-bin-b03-windows-i586-09_mar_2009.html (JAVA)


http://www.brothersoft.com/mysql-download-72134.html (MYSQL)


http://www.4shared.com/file/76734143/118f9de0/L2JArchid_GameServer.html (TA ARXIA TOU SERVER)


http://www.4shared.com/file/76735520/6169a465/L2JArchid_DataPack.html (TA ARXIA TOU SERVER)


http://www.4shared.com/file/101245547/16bcda52/Navicat.html (NAVICAT)


Bima 2. Egatastasi twn arxion.

Trexte to java install kai kante to install. Den tha iparxei kapia rithmisi edo.


Meta trexte to mysql install. Kante to install kai meta patiste configure my sql now.

Patiste Next. Epilexte Detailed Configuration kai patiste Next. Epilexte Server Machine kai patiste next. Epilexte Multifunctional Database kai patiste Next. Meta Next. Meta Next. Meta pali Next. Meta xana Next. Meta Ali mia fora next. Meta tha deite kapou pou exei tickarei to "Modify Security Settings". Eseis xetikarete to kai patiste next. Meta Excecute. Finish.


Trexte to Navicat Install. Kante to kai meta parte to arxio pou exei mesa sto crack kai pigenete C:\Program Files\PremiumSoft\Navicat MySQL kai balte to arxio ekei mesa. Meta trexte to navicat kai Pigenete pano aristera pou leei Connection.

Patiste to kai patiste ok. Meta aristera sas exei bgalei ena localhost. Kante dio aristera click pano tou kai meta ena dexio kai patiste New Database. Ekei pou leei enter database name: grapste "l2jarchid_db" xoris ta "". Patiste ok.


Bima 3. Etoimazoume ton server.

Pigenete sto C:\ kai ftiaxte enan fakelo pou na legete Server. Meta kante extrack ta dio arxia tou server pou kateuasate mesa ston fakelo Server sto C:\Server. Tora pigenete ston fakelo Server kai meta tools. Ekei tha deite ena database_installer.bat. Kante dexi click pano tou kai patiste epexergasia. Meta pigenete ligo pio kato apo ekei pou sas ebgale mexri na deite afto:  set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin

set lsuser=root

set lspass=

set lsdb=l2jarchid_db

set lshost=localhost

set gsuser=root

set gspass=

set gsdb=l2jarchid_db

set gshost=localhost

set cmode=c

set backup=.

set logdir=.


Rithmiste to AKRIBOS etsi opos sas to grafo edo. Meta patiste Arxio kai apothikeusi. Meta trexte to. Patiste "f" opou sas to zitaei. (xoris ta "").


Meta pigenete sto C:\Server\login kai trexte to RegisterGameServer.bat Meta grapste help kai tha deite diafora onomata me ids. Dialexte to onoma pou sas aresei. Meta brite to id tou(einai dipla apo to onoma) kai grapste to id kato kato. Patiste enter.

Meta Mesa ston fakelo login sas exei bgalei ena arxio hexid(server (edo exei to id pou epilexate)). Metonomaste afto to arxio se hexid. Kante dexi click pano sto arxio hexid kai apokopi. Meta pigenete C:\Server\gameserver\config kai patiste ctrl+v. Meta anoixte to server.propeties pou exei ekei mesa me simiomatario. Ekei sto externalhostname balte kai sto internalhostname balte kai sto requestserverid=edo balte to id pou balate sto registergameserver.bat. Meta apothikeuste to.


Tora kateuaste afto to arxio :http://www.4shared.com/file/101248556/8aca0358/L2_FileEdit65.html

Anoixte to kai patiste aristera pano Open and decrypt. Meta pigenete sto interlude client sas kai sto system.

Tora ekei kato pou leei Onoma Arxiou: Grapste l2.ini . meta tha sas exei anoixei to l2.ini. Brite tin grami pou grafei ServerAddr=(edo balte meta patiste aristera pano save and encrypt. Meta tha sas exei san onoma arxiou l2. Patiste apothikeusi. Tha sas rotisei an thelete na antikatastathei, eseis patiste nai. Meta tha sas exei Select Version. Eseis Epilexte Version 413. Patiste ok.


Kleiste afto to programa kai pigenete sto C:\Server\gameserver\config\GMAcces kai breite tin grami pou leei EveryBodyHasAdminRights=(edo balte True).


Meta Pigenete C:\Server\gameserver kai trexte to startGameServer.bat kai meta pigenete C:\Server\login kai trexte to  startLoginServer.bat. Afiste ta na teliosoun. Molis teliosoun trexte to lineage kai ftiakste ena acount (einai auto acount).

Ftiakste enan character kai mpeite sto game.molis mpeite kante target ton eauto sas kai grapste //changelvl 500. Molis to kanete afto kante exit apot o game kai kleisto to startGameServer kai startLoginServer. Pigenetesto C:\Server\gameserver\config\GMAcces kai stin grami EverybodyHasAdminRights=edo balte False. Meta xana trexte to startGameServer.bat kai to startLoginServer.bat kai mpeite sto game.                                     Eiste Etoimoi!!!!!!




         An thelete ston server sas na mpenoun kai ala atoma i filoi sas pigenete sto C:\Server\gameserver\config\server kai stin grami externalhostname=edo balte tin ip apo www.whatismyip.com. Apothikeuste to. Meta trexte to l2fileedit6.5 pou kateuasate kai patiste open and decrypt anoixte to l2.ini kai grapste stin grammi ServerAddr=edot tin ip apo www.whatismyip.com.

        Stelnete to system sas stous filous sas kai einai etoimoi.              HAVE FUN!!!!


              O server exei apo monos tou kapia npc. kante //spawn 50 //spawn 51 //spawn 52 //spawn 54 //spawn 55.

                                 Afiste comments apo kato.
















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Υπάρχουν πολλά guide για το πως να κάνεις server. Βάλε καμιά φωτογραφία να γίνει ποιο ωραίο άλλαξε και τα χρώματα όχι όλο μαύρο..Επίσης..

Kleiste afto to programa kai pigenete sto C:\Server\gameserver\config\GMAcces kai breite tin grami pou leei EveryBodyHasAdminRights=(edo balte True).

Αυτό σημαίνει ότι όλοι θα έχουν GM Access δηλαδή όποιος κάνει χαρακτήρα θα είναι GM.

Για να δώσεις access μόνο στον παίχτη που θες εσύ πας Navicat~Characters~Βρίσκεις το Access Level και βάζεις 200 ... Για να το κάνεις αυτό δεν πρέπει να είσαι on. Αφού το κάνεις loggareis και είσαι GM ;)

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ZeRo* kai klaiNMaiN sto l2jarchid dn ginete auto apo navicat giati s bgazei ena error sto gameserver kai s leei "Trying to give unregistered access level to character .....". Mono me auton ton tropo p grafw ginete.(apo oti nomizw egw.)

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Re file o buffer otan patao buffs den m ta bazei kai m bgazei error sto game server akoma ston buffer douleuoyn mono ta heal kai to cancel

Akoma otan 8elo na kano spawn as poume to 53 //spawn 53 m leei target kai kati alla!! gt?

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ZeRo*   100 vazeis sto access :P


Se INT einai 200.

Re file o buffer otan patao buffs den m ta bazei kai m bgazei error sto game server akoma ston buffer douleuoyn mono ta heal kai to cancel

Akoma otan 8elo na kano spawn as poume to 53 //spawn 53 m leei target kai kati alla!! gt?

scripts.cfg & vale to location tou buffer kato kato sta customs.

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BlaDe otan kaneis //spawn 53 kai s grafei your target cannot be found simenei oti to 53 dn iparxei. Oso gia to alo problem s pes m ti error s bgazei sto gameserver.

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Mpravo sou, kali prospatheia. Apla i grammatoseira einai teleiws xalia. To mauro xrwma sxedon den fainetai tha mporouses na valeis kapoio allo ;)

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emena re paidia gt  m vgazi otan anoigo to login server gia na trekso to server ena minima mesa sti mauri othonitsa..



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