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RB death Announcement



8 answers to this question

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Make an AI for Your rb and then you should make somethink like that if your rb is death ..announce bla bla bla , cheack AI script and you will its very simple to do it .

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Well, dunno wth im doing wrong but i can add announce after the rb is killed and announce will contain the killers nick but i cant make it to announce which rb has been killed and by who...

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Select Boss and in this part


    public String onKill (L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isPet) 
          bla bla bla 


put this

Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Gz to " + killer + " he kill the Baium!");

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do ti in core, in L2RaidBossInstance or whatever its called.


add on doDie something like


Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(killer.getName() + " just killed " + this.getName());

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I've already tryed this:     Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(""+killer.getName()+" has successfully defeated raidboss "+raidboss.getName()+"");

and it doesnt work.

The problem is with raidboss.getname()



PS: Thx vago! Works perfect :)

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