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[Photoshop contest] Win +1 karma with re-making the forum logo!

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I have no time man.Just stick to the topic for now.


I say again, it's in the default shapes of Photoshop,



Ok Before Ten Minutes I Came Up In Ps With A Brand New Idea So Here It Is.. :finalmxcscontestslogo.png


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That was what i was talking about "More Than 50k Members' Because we wont stick with 50k members forever you know ... And said in proper english "Over 50.000 Members" Not more than, sounds stupid Over is way better GL to everyone don't consider this as spam as i express my opinion.


That was what i was talking about "More Than 50k Members' Because we wont stick with 50k members forever you know ... And said in proper english "Over 50.000 Members" Not more than, sounds stupid Over is way better GL to everyone don't consider this as spam as i express my opinion.

Ok Dream Ty... Sorry For My English Here It Is...mxclogo.png

I Think That Now Is Better , Isn't It ? :P

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Just a try from me





Really nice mafia ;) i really like it cuz it's animated (I hate static pics)

Ok here is mine  . . .




Your sigs Pwned just Pwned! Awesome guys! Good Job!

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