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[Tutorial]Make Your Own Bullet Effect


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Step 1: Open Photoshop and create a new image. This image can be any size, but the larger the better for this tutorial. I will make my image 400 x 400 with a black background.


Step 2: Select the Rectangle Tool from the side tool bar as soon in the image below. Draw a thin rectangle on the left hand side of the image. The rectangle should be white and look like the second image below. You should now have two layers



Step 3: Now we are going to merge the layers together (Image > Merge Down) or (Ctrl +E). Step 4: We will now apply the wind filter to this image (Filter > Stylize > Wind). Set the settings similar to what I have below in the first image. You will apply this effect two more times (Ctrl +F). Your image should look like the second image below.




Step 5: Now we will rotate the image clock-wise (Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW). You should have an image similar to what I have below.



Step 6: Next we will apply the polar coordinates filter (Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates). Set the settings similar to what I have below in the first image. You should get an image similar to what is below in the second image.



Step 7: Now we will invert the color (Image > Adjustments > Invert) or (Ctrl + I). This will switch the black area with white and the white area with black.


Step 8: Take your magic wand, as shown in this first picture, ad drag around the bullet hole. Now we will inverse the image (Select > Inverse) or (Ctrl + Shift + I). You should have something like what is in the second image.



Step 9: We will now copy the layer (Layer > Duplicate Layer). Now you should have a total of 2 layers and are done. You now have your bullet effect. You should have an image similar to what is below.



Bonus Effect: You can add a bonus blending option to make it look more realistic. Right click on the layer and select Blending Options. Select the Inner Shadow option.


Source freephotoshopguides.com

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