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Check Your Anti-Virus If Software Is Working Properly Or Not


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This article is best in checking out whether your antivirus software is running at its best or not. It is not known by many how to check if the antivirus software they are using is working properly or not. Please read the article for the details.


Step1 Click Start --> Open Notepad -->




Copy the code exactly in the notepad :






Now Save it with the name fakevirus.exe in any of your folder/drives.




If this file got deleted immediately...then it means that your antivirus is working properly and updated !!




If this doesnt happens and you see the saved file in that folder do right click the file and select scan with your installed antivirus and if the scan shows the file then it means your antivirus is working properly but not updated with a new version, as best antivirus softwares detect any virus (at the same second when you save the same in your system)without your effort of going to specified folder and scanning the folder.




If it doesnt shows any kind of threats then you need to change your antivirus software immediately with some good one with the new version.


Guide by @Vick53





Mine worked fine :) Auto delete

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