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Aiushtha, The Enchantress


Although all Dryads are Cenarius' daughters, Aiushtha is said to be his first and favorite. Because of her direct relation to him, she has borrowed much of his powers. This is demonstrated by her control over the shy Wisps which she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, she fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further her target is away. Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease.





---------------------- SKILL BUILD ----------------------


1) Untouchable

2) Nature's Attendants

3) Untouchable

4) Nature's Attendants

5) Untouchable

6) Impetus

7) Nature's Attendants

8) Untouchable

9) Nature's Attendants

10) Enchant

11) Impetus

12) Enchant

13) Enchant

14) Enchant

15) Stats

16) Impetus

17) Stats

18 ) Stats

19) Stats

20) Stats

21) Stats

22) Stats

23) Stats

24) Stats

25) Stats


---------------------- SKILL DESCRIPTION ----------------------


Untouchable (U)




Type: Passive / Instant

Desc: Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack.


Level 1 - 20% reduction.

Level 2 - 40% reduction.

Level 3 - 60% reduction.

Level 4 - 80% reduction.


Mana Cost: N/A

Cooldown: N/A



Enchant ©




Type: Active / Instant

Desc: Brings target unit under control of Aiushtha for 80 seocnds, and will die afterwards. If the unit cannot be converted, it will instead be slowed by 7 seconds.


Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, 10% slow if unit cannot be converted.

Level 2 - 25 second cooldown, 20% slow if unit cannot be converted.

Level 3 - 20 second cooldown, 30% slow if unit cannot be converted.

Level 4 - 15 second cooldown, 40% slow if unit cannot be converted.


Mana Cost: 65

Cooldown: 30/ 25/ 20/ 15



Nature`s Attendants ®




Type: Active / Over Time

Desc: Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 300 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec. The wisp doesn't heal if Enchantress is moving.


Level 1 - 3 Wisps.

Level 2 - 5 Wisps.

Level 3 - 7 Wisps.

Level 4 - 9 Wisps.


Mana Cost: 125/ 140/ 155/ 170

Cooldown: 45



Impetus (T)




Type: Active / Instant

Desc: Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, causing them to deal greater damage the further away the target is. Damage type is pure.


Level 1 - Deals 15% of the distance in damage.

Level 2 - Deals 20% of the distance in damage.

Level 3 - Deals 25% of the distance in damage.


Mana Cost: 55/60/65

Cooldown: 0

Pierces magic immunity.


---------------------- PROS AND CONS ----------------------


(+) You can fight any class (INT, STR or AGI), because of atk. speed reduction upon attack.

(+) You can heal yourself and allies for quite low mana cost

(+)With certain item build you can play role as tank, as runner or as ganker, all roles are possible, again because of atk. speed reduction upon an attack.

(+) Your Impetus skill is cheap but strong

(-) Without mana and good speed you're useless.

(-) You can't stand against nukers with many attacking skills (ex. Lina), because nukers (skills) don't get slowed by Untouchable skill.(-) Low HP poll.


---------------------- ITEM BUILD ----------------------


Early Game (1 - 10 lvl)




You need some mana at the start, also some little damage to deal, until you get Impetus, and also when Impetus is ready, it costs quite much mana, so 3 Null Talismans is great choise.




Good mana regeneration, you need to realise you spend you mana to heal yourself and teammates (what can be quite often) and for your main skill, what is also often used, so you still need some of mana. Also Void Stone will be part of next build.




No speed - no ownage, good speed is important thing for enchantress, because of her Impetus (to be explained later).


Mid Game (11 - 16 lvl)




These just stay as they are




Good speed (to be explained)




Improves your game play, adds mana regeneration (void stone is part of build of this item) and inteligence + disables enemy for some seconds (tornado)


Late Game (16 - 25 lvl)




Great speed (to be explained)




You give up your Eul's Scepter and buy Guinso, for better mana regeneration + disability (what also Eul's used to do)




Adds 15 armor, what's great. Also, upon activation it sends an icy wave, which slows your opponents. Slowing skills and allies will play really important role in the game (to be explained), also adds Inteligence.




Since your HP poll is low, you'll need some good HP and HP regeneration




Just keep these


---------------------- OPTIONAL ITEMS ----------------------




When facing many nukers




When you've got spare cash, this is a good option




Vanguard is a good combination with your Untouchable skill


---------------------- REJECTED ITEMS ----------------------




When launching Impetus manualy, slow works, when Impetus is set on autocast, it doesn't slow, gives good stats but srsly there are many good items to buy then this.






Won't work with Impetus



Won't work with Impetus


---------------------- ALLIES & ENEMIES ----------------------


Allies: All slowers and stunners

Enemies: Stunners, windwalkers, sprinters, nukers, mana drainers


---------------------- INFO ----------------------


Why speed is important?

-> You need to chase your enemies until the very end, until the last Impetus launch. That's the reason why you need BoT, to have a good speed. To kill.



-> No mana, no Impetus, no heal, no ownage, simple.


Fighting style.

-> Don't forget to launch your Nature's Attendants during the battle, it goes well with your untouchable skill and also you heal allies.


I wish you good luck playing Enchantress.




haha my favourite hero :)


i get mekansm, BoT, HoT,Shiva's,  Hex and that;s about it... the game is over :P


you may think mekansm is noobish... but the aura and heal given really helps you survive... Wisps cannot always help you survive :)


i don't think eul's should be added unless in your lane you have a difficult melee. e.g barathrum ;)


gj lain :P

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