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MxC Maintenance mode


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im sure you all have noticed sometimes that mxc gets really slow and doesnt load but redirects you to a system fail page 505 internal server errortry to contanct with webmaster etc etc


we,i mean maxtor found out where this came from...this "fail"occured from a "hole" in sql which means that there will be some updates these days,site close,some minor "rollbacks",and donation status cancelations(dont know what will happen with refunds)and some unbans


in order to fix it site will be closed for tomorrow and as long it will take to fix it  :-\ :-[



Noble & MxC staff

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Yeah i was speaking with maxtor on msn about this errors and he told me that some god damn hackers was trying to attack us, i don't know what will happen i hope mxc stay alive for ever ! :(

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Ey Noble, will you postpone the last day of  MxC Dota guide tournament? Cause if the site goes down for a day it may cause some frustration.


Just asking :)

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Ey Noble, will you postpone the last day of  MxC Dota guide tournament? Cause if the site goes down for a day it may cause some frustration.


Just asking :)

im not the one for site opening/closing but probably i will extend the contest so many days as the site will be closed
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Its funny how some failed guys try to hack us.


Well if u think about it its not exactly "failed guys" there is profit around L2 cheats, exploits etc so if MxC community is off for a while or forever *i hope not* member's and donation's will be transfered i dont want to say exactly names but its obvious whats going on here and for whar reason's.


{GR}einai auto pou leme *euxi kai katara* giati ean to skeftite i ideologia autou tou community einai kai oi rizes tou provlimatos mas tora.~~~~kataramenes trypes~~~~~~

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the bad thing is that maxtor is not sure if mxc will be up again after tommorow =(

cmon can't you just live a day without mxc? it's really pathetic if so...
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Guys becuase i dont believe this message cuz of 1april the question is : Did anyone get this error? there are some guys here that are whole day online...

yes I get that error, and it seems to have a problem. Noticed some delays recently...


Let's hope it ain't a joke!

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yes I get that error, and it seems to have a problem. Noticed some delays recently...


Actually i still believe that this is a joke...and i think that when the time will be 12:01 Noble will come here and say "It was 1st of april guy mxc wil never close etc etc etc... :P :P :P "

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I don't believe it!!! MxC will never close/hacked! MxC is religion! ;D I get this error at night and maybe it will stay down but...Maxtor is pro so he will fix it as soon as it possible ;)

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