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[Read]Heroes which in the new dota might be remade ...

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As I search in the net for 6.60 news I found the beta ... this is the real beta .... Until now the chanfelog is


Beta 21

Replace all the heroes tavern into top left of the map

Now there's 9 tavern:

Sentinel Strength Tavern, Sentinel Agility Tavern, Sentinel Intelligence Tavern

Neutrals Strength Tavern, Neutrals Agility Tavern, Neutrals Intelligence Tavern

Scourge Strength Tavern, Scourge Agility Tavern, Scourge Intelligence Tavern

Neutrals Hero can be picked by either Scourge or Sentinel

Add Tauren Chieftain to Sentinel Strength Tavern

Add Bat Rider to Neutrals Intelligence Tavern

Hero remade on Razor and Viper

All Razor skill is remade, except for his Chain Lightning (will update this later)

Viper 2nd skill was remade, replace Frenzy with Nethertoxin (passive, give additional damage depends on enemy's heal


Thats real ..... But its not 100% in 6.59 , icefrog started a remade to ogre magi ..... but lately he stop it ....


From : http://dota-allstars-blog.blogspot.com/2009/03/dota-660-beta-dota-allstars-660-beta.html


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I read somewhere in eurobattle.net forums that it will be storms update .... so I will not create a guide to storm for the contest and i will continue my guide to vengeful for the contet......

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