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I'm out of time.You're out of signatures. [Please Read]

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Hey there.


I'm informing you that I won't make any signatures for the next few weeks.I have a personal life and I want to spare my free time on this and not in Photoshop.Don't say that nobody told me to make signatures cause I have proofs.Every day (almost) I get around 10-15 messages saying "Please open the sigz thread".I said and I'm saying it loudly right now too: SIGNATURES TOPIC IS FOR MY FREE TIME.I TOLD IT ON THE TOPIC AND I'M SAYING NOW. DON'T BEG FOR SIGNATURES!


Look, I love photoshop and I love the work I do for you.But you have to understand, that making signatures it's not an easy 5 minutes job.It needs time and thought, which currently I don't have.


Please stop sending me pms or pming me at msn cause I'm sick of it.There are many designer's forums where you could find a signatures.


That's all for me right now.



.It needs time and thought, which currently I don't have.



HE'S BECOMING A MONKEY!!!!!!!!!! KILl HIM!!!!!!!!


//FunMode(NOT) off


As i said in your other topic don't push yourself you will eventually find some free time to do some sigs ;D. GL on ya'exams.


Anyway if u dont want to create them too we should be gladful for signatures you made for us before.

Its About 10-20 signatures and thats beep-ing lot of time so...




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