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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2 Black Temple


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//w8ing mode on!!

@WebM0nst3r i can't understand ur behaviour....u were a very good guy with me but suddenly u blocked and u don't talk to me.....If there is a reason i wanna know it....contact me via msn...u already know it

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//w8ing mode on!!

@WebM0nst3r i can't understand ur behaviour....u were a very good guy with me but suddenly u blocked and u don't talk to me.....If there is a reason i wanna know it....contact me via msn...u already know it


yes there is a reason, you got the pri3as mode on!!

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~1 day more..

heh i like that free post :D :D

Just w8 guys..Tomorow server will be playable and aLL JOIN!!

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