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[Guide]Barathrum,the Spirit Breaker(Noble)

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guide is dedicated to FliperG7 who asked this guide just yesterday ;)


If you want to post a part or full guide itself you just have to give the proper credits to Noble as i hate c/p without respecting other ppls work


this guide is 100% hand written by me(Noble) (comments,details,explanations,introduction,guide)



Barathrum the SpiritBreaker




An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone.



Starting Stats+Gains


STR 23 +2,5

AGI 17 + 1.7

INT 15 + 1.8


Why Should we Play with Bara?


1)He has a Stun,He has a Stun,He has a Stun,and he has a stun

2)Perfect Ganger

3)Perfect Finisher

4)Fast MS,AS

5)Strong late game

6)Perma basher

7)Great starting armor with such a sucky AGI gain :P

8)MAX MS with skills

9)Your charge of darkness follows your enemy everywhere as you have true sight whilst your foe is targetted



Why should i choose something else?


1)Needs some baby sitting until 8-9lvl

2)Low Agi gain

3)You may run out of mp early mid game due to poor mana pool

4)if your enemy is smart he might discover when you try to gang him by seeing his buff placers

5)Your charge of darkness doesnt stop even if your enemy is teleporting to his pool unless ordered to.

6)BIIIIG skill cooldown times

7)really hard to solo a lane if not pro


Skill Explanation & Introduction



Charge of Darkness©


Barathrum fixes his sight on an enemy and accelerates towards it. When you reach maximum speed, you will become immune to magic. As you increase speed, you begin to merge with the shadows around you, becoming difficult to see until you stop the Charge or hit your target. Upon leaving the shadows, Barathrum shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time. Enemy can only see buff indicator when you are near it.


Level 1 - Accelerates slowly, 1 sec stun.

Level 2 - Accelerates moderately, 1.5 sec stun.

Level 3 - Accelerates fast, 2.0 sec stun.

Level 4 - Accelerates very fast, 2.5 sec stun.


MP cost:120 cd:40 secs



1)thats the skill that entitles you with the ganger initiator or great ganger title.

2)it makes you invisible(faded black shadow) and as long as this skill seaches and approaches your target it gains MS bonus

3)at lvl 4 you gain full MS

4)When it strikes your opponent gets stunned

5)BKB and linken cant block the skill :o :o :o

6)cant be tricked by any illusion as you hit your real target at once ignoring illusions or manta holders



Empowering Haste(Passive)


Causes the Spiritbreaker to swing his weapon faster with higher movement speed, allowing him to deal extra damage. His presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units (500 AoE).


Level 1 - Increases movement speed by 2% and damage by 4% of his movement speed.

Level 2 - Increases movement speed by 4% and damage by 8% of his movement speed.

Level 3 - Increases movement speed by 6% and damage by 12% of his movement speed.

Level 4 - Increases movement speed by 8% and damage by 16% of his movement speed.



1)simple,you can gain up to 8%MS and 16% of his MS to damage ;)




Greater Bash(Passive)


Gives a 17% chance to bash enemies across the ground, doing more initial damage and damage as they skid.


Level 1 - 25 bonus damage.140 knockback distance.

Level 2 - 50 bonus damage.180 knockback distance.

Level 3 - 75 bonus damage.220 knockback distance.

Level 4 - 100 bonus damage.260 knockback distance.



1)it stuns.as you level up you stun more

2)you gain bonus damage

3)you knock your enemy back and it occurs more frequently as you level up

4)Magic damage so calculate the -20% reduction on every hero




Nether Strike(E)


Moves you next to your target doing extra damage. Performs a greater bash hit. Casting range improves per level.


Level 1 - 100 bonus damage on hit 200 mana

Level 2 - 200 bonus damage on hit 250 mana

Level 3 - 300 bonus damage on hit 300 mana


Cooldown: 75 seconds.



1)another stun from SB(SpiritBreaker)ideal skill for finishing your prey if he tries to escape

2)Deals Magical Damage so keep in mind every enemy magic reduction(20%)

3)as it deals Magic damage Linkens blocks the damage but cant block the stun or knock back,Hood of Defiance reduces the damage

4)teleports on your enemy at an AoE



Skill Build and Why


Level 01 | Charge of Darkness

Level 02 | Greater Bash

Level 03 | Empowering Haste

Level 04 | Empowering Haste

Level 05 | Empowering Haste

Level 06 | Nether Strike

Level 07 | Empowering Haste

Level 08 | Charge of Darkness

Level 09 | Charge of Darkness

Level 10 | Charge of Darkness

Level 11 | Nether Strike

Level 12 | Greater Bash

Level 13 | Greater Bash

Level 14 | Greater Bash

Level 15 | Stats

Level 16 | Nether Strike

Level 17-25 | Stats



Get your ulti as soon as available

Empo haste for movement speed and AS which helps you to last hit or deny creeps,towers

Charge of darkness is learned after 8level and the reasons are for ganging! Bara relies on ganging kills so you must gang early

Greater Bash is learned late game because in these levels you (might) have most of your final items.that skill is based on your AS as long as you hit the more the chances to activate this passive :P


You can change the build anytime you want and according to your necessities,team needs,and gamestyle





for AS,stat bonus and because BoT is considered alternative items due o charge of darkness skill which takes you everywhere on the map fast


perfect synergization with greater bash and empowering haste which results in perma stuns and fast kills


HP bonus,HP regen, and since you are STR hero you are granted damage from the Strength add


every str hero is the ideal assault cuirass carrier...so do the SpiritBreaker :P just take it for armor,debuffs and AS


dmg,LS,mp regen=survival on fights


its very hard to find a better alternative of armlet since MoM and greater bash dont give us many choices on a better weapon






REALLY ALTERNATIVE as charge of darkness can teleport you fast to every place and Threads can be better because they synergize with your passives ;) but BoT are acceptable too


with avatar on you will be unownable.think about it


for nuker protection ;)


instead of Mask Of Madness but MoM is better orb effect on SB imo


for imbas only when super fed ;)


good for insane AS












you dont need cleave



you are an offensive hero not a defensive tank one



not really needed since you have charge of darkness



cranium basher does NOT stack when you have auto bash(passive bash)  hero so not




nop your mp cant support it



who can explain why should we take it?the most useless item on you :o



Best Allies


Lane Controllers/Ranged




Healers=Lane controllers=survival=farm






and many many more ...too bored to place them all


Mana Burners




Worst enemies





early game they will be pain in the neck


Insane HPers



Nessaj=his is easy prey when he doesnt have illusions for your charge but since he has great damage and his illusions deal full damage so you might have problems






Mana Burners


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Wonderfull job Noble !!!

This guide is perfect ...

In worst enemies Mana burners because Baratrum has low mana and at start/mid game , he needs mana for a charge or an ulty ...

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that's amazing..

as i see you spam into move speed

i had to play barathrum from 6.41?


i think the 2nd skill is when you spam move speed more dmg and att speed?

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Lulz MOM sucks on him and you have curiass to give you enough atk speed + not to forget the PT you have so S&Y is way better


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Lulz MOM sucks on him and you have curiass to give you enough atk speed + not to forget the PT you have so S&Y is way better


as i said its my way of playing and everything can change anytime


imo MoM ownz hard..almost every STR hero makes cuirass and MoM is used rarely this way

if you feel playing with SnY go ahead i never rejected

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as i said its my way of playing and everything can change anytime


imo MoM ownz hard..almost every STR hero makes cuirass and MoM is used rarely this way

if you feel playing with SnY go ahead i never rejected

Mask of madness ownz to barathrum atk.speed + movement speed  + dmg (because of the passive of baratrum)

Every STR can use Mask of madness?? Tanks will be killed more easily I think..

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i said cuirass is made by the majority of the STR heroes...


MoM doesnt fit to all..never said about all str and mom

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Bara is not that hard to use so many people use him as their first char, same as razor, magina etc.


Barathrum owns mid-game mostly , if you pay attention youll own them ;)

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my first char was Yurnero The Juggernaut

at v5.84 ulti didn't have cd so you make something for mana and you own!

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bash depends on your attack speed.the more you attack the greater the chances to perform a successful bash.early game at low levels your AS sucks hard so there will be  only a few bashes

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