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[Share/Guide] Program For Acces On Your Friend PC

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Hello Guys Meybe You Know This Program Named Team Viewer   ???

Yeah Its Realy Cool  ;)


Now Lets Teach  You How To Access On Some One PC  :o :o


Step 1: Send The Program To Your Friend. And Both Run It (Don't Close It Or Connection Will Dissapear)


Step 2: Your Friend Need To Tell You Him PC ID And PAssword (Every Time When Close Program And Ru It Again The Password Is Change ! )


Step 3: Add The Numbers (Take a Look Down! )




Step 4: When You Are Add Sucessfly The Numbers Press The Button Connect to partner

When You Press It a New Window Will Upear Then You Will Need To Add the Password To Your Partner


Step 5: Enjoy Using Your Friend PC shoot.gifcrazy.gif



#Download Link  :o :o#



Team Viewer.exe


PS: Most Of BG Users Know Verry Well This Program. Cheers ! booze.gif

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LOL I can't believe it the day when I discover this program , someone post it here lol ! but unfortunately i didn't find in this program what i wanted. However this program is free so its not necessitated to upload it in rapidshare or 4share or whatever

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Pff a very good program :P (Do you guys know another way to get access in your friend's

pc??I dont :P )


there are many other aways to log a friends pc lol.... log me in or remote assistance.... (i prefear logme in cause its the best)


but team viewer is good too.


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Guest skaros

This programm helped me alot :D

I know it for at least 7 months ^^

The only problem it expires soon and u have

to download illegaly something to remove the setup completely

so u can use it again after it expires :/ (Correct me if i am mistaken)


Anyways when i checked the topic i thought it was a "hacking" programm that i could hack into my friends computer xD

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