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I like to introduce to you our new Dev Team.


We work with Gracia part2 based on L2J with many custom stuff and performance cleanup.

Also we try to correct the "wholes" in server packs to make it secure from 3rd party programs.

We have a lot of implemented skills not only custom stuff like others do.

Just give it a try you find every info in the timeline or ask in our forum.


The team is:

GoDofAdeN Owner

Intrepid Core-DP Dev

Rizel Core-DP Dev


Forum: http://lineage2x.eu/l2jct/index.php

SVN: http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/L2JCTeam/

TIMELINE: http://my-trac.assembla.com/L2JCTeam/timeline


Here's our release(revision 120):



Our releases:



Sounds really nice. Gonna try it out and maybe will move to it ^^

Thank you for your work!


PS: Are L2J Java mods compatible with it? If it is, I gonna move to it for sure! :P


Sounds really nice. Gonna try it out and maybe will move to it ^^

Thank you for your work!


PS: Are L2J Java mods compatible with it? If it is, I gonna move to it for sure! :P


yes its working on it but with the htmls you need some rework because we have other html handling:)But only if you make the html part in java:)


Owww Intrepid nice :D.

Work also with interlude version plzzz  xD !

Good luck man.


Intrerlude?:Dyou are funny:D


i use packet all ok any error have any custom? or gm shop or gk if have can tell me id

thats not a fucking shitty preconfigured pack:D


cn you talk with your admin for me? i dont know the admin of this team :)


just read a littlebit:D

The team is:

GoDofAdeN Owner  ....

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