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[Guide #2]King Leoric Skeleton King

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King Leoric Skeleton King




Once a noble knight protecting his kingdom, the man was thrown into Hell, where he was ripped apart over and over for centuries. Now, Lucifer has thrown him back onto the soil, corrupted and mindless, as King Leoric, the Skeleton King. He marches on, leading his minions with an unfaltering gaze, knowing only one thing: the orders given to him by the dark lord himself. Able to cripple his opponents by drawing power from the fiery depths of hell itself, King Leoric is a major threat on the battlefield. His mighty blade allows him and others in his presence to drain the blood of their enemies. It is said that he is unkillable, and those who are struck down by his hellfire don't wake up again.





Hellfire Blast


Leoric launches a sphere of hellfire from the end of his sword, causing his victim to burst into flames. Deals damage and stuns for 2 seconds.


Level 1 - 100 damage.

Level 2 - 150 damage.

Level 3 - 200 damage.

Level 4 - 250 damage.

Cooldown: 8 seconds.

Level 1: 140 mana, 8 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 140 mana, 8 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 140 mana, 8 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 140 mana, 8 sec cooldown.





Vampiric Aura


Nearby friendly melee units gain hit points when they hit enemy units.


Level 1 - Gains 5% of attack damage.

Level 2 - Gains 10% of attack damage.

Level 3 - Gains 15% of attack damage.

Level 4 - Gains 20% of attack damage.






Critical Strike

Gives a chance to do more damage on an attack.


Level 1 - <AOcr,DataA1>% chance, 1.25 times normal damage.

Level 2 - <AOcr,DataA2>% chance, 1.75 times normal damage.

Level 3 - <AOcr,DataA3>% chance, 2.25 times normal damage.

Level 4 - <AOcr,DataA3>% chance, 2.75 times normal damage.








When killed the Skeleton King will come back to life.


Level 1 - 300 second cooldown.

Level 2 - 220 second cooldown.

Level 3 - 140 second cooldown.


Level 1: 100 mana, 300 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 150 mana, 220 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 200 mana, 140 sec cooldown.




Skill Biuld


Level 1 Hellfire Blast

Level 2 Vampiric Aura

Level 3 Hellfire Blast

Level 4 Vampiric Aura

Level 5 Hellfire Blast

Level 6 Reincarnation

Level 7 Vampiric Aura

Level 8 Vampiric Aura

Level 9 Hellfire Blast

Level 10 Critical Strike

Level 11 Reincarnation

Level 12 Critical Strike

Level 13 Critical Strike

Level 14 Critical Strike

Level 15 Stats

Level 16 Reincarnation

Level 17~25 Stats



Item Biuld


ipt.gifPower Treads Strength

BTNUnholyStrength.gifArmlet of Mordiggian cause King Leoric have much life and not have problem with this item and he need damage.

BTNCloakOfFlames.gifVladmir's Offering with Vampiric Aura is so much Imba!

BTNINV_Chest_Chain_14.gifAssault Cuirass Leoric Need attack speed, And with +10 armor just GG

BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_10.gifBuriza-do Kyanon with Critical Strike Do Crazy Critical

BTNTransmute.gif Radiance +damage and leoric do 1100 critical! Just Imba




Worst Enemies



Because of his curse of the silent which drains mana. To get rid of it SK will have to make a spell and his only spell is his stun which costs 140 mana. Silencer will therefore if he picks this spell, be able to keep SK on basicly 0 mana.

BTNHeroCryptLord.gifNerubian Assasin

With his 260 mana burn he will most likely be able to remove SK’s whole mana pool and therefore SK will not not be able to count on his ulti which requires mana.


Because of his mana burn per attack he will also create a huge problem for SK. Just as Nerubian, Anti mage will burn SK’s mana to 0.

As you might have noticed, the heroes which creates most trouble for SK is mana-burners.




Best Allies



It’s a good hero to lane with because of her stun and nukes which makes your lane stable and the possibility to play very aggressive as well. SK -> stun, Lina -> stun + dragon slave results almost all the time with a kill (+ a few hits meanwhile they’re stunned).


Same reason, a range with a stun is valuable + just like lina, leshrac got nuke as well (lightning) which makes them able to stay aggressive as well as creating a strong lane.


Great support hero with hard nukes and lots of mana who can make sure SK can farm safely. With lich on lane you will be able to kill them as well as you have the slow-nuke plus SK’s stun.


Works just like lich but imo a bit worse because of his lacking range, cant harass with normal attack though his HP is way higher (because of high base Strength).


Credits MORIAN And Garena.com


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You c/p'd allies and enemies from here http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=361923&extra=page%3D1&page=1


At least give the proper credits...

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You c/p'd allies and enemies from here http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=361923&extra=page%3D1&page=1


At least give the proper credits...


Yeah... Allies and enemy copied from garena.com, Credits Given...


He copied most of the thread from there.


No DreaM only allies and enemy nothing else.


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i ve been putting guides on MxC DotA guides thread for some time now! i think my guides are 100% my own with MY comments,MY notes,MY words,MY style!!!every1 who reads my guides feels the time i ve spent  and work i ve done in order to create those topics!



Pudge Guide deleted from the List


plus i ve put some rules in tha topic too

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