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[Share]ACP2.0.5 Latest Version

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hello folks well here i leave this good programa ACP and latest version this client supported is versions:


C4, Interlude, Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia Part 1, Gracia Part 2.



- Restoring the settings at 100%. Hits will be permanent, ie, in such settings, ACP turns into an ordinary avtokliker. Hits will be permanent, ie, in such settings, ACP turns into an ordinary avtokliker.




Edit push buttons. Now you can make almost any key, not just F1-F12. It will be useful to those who use ACP in conjunction with other clicker and those who play on servers Lineage 2 Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia.






Credits: Thanks Jimboloh for share this tool gratefull


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What does that programm does?Restore the settings?Like i broke my +15 weapon and with that programm i get it again on +15?


I dont think soh... search in google all functions of this programs.

And thx for share.

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What does that programm does?Restore the settings?Like i broke my +15 weapon and with that programm i get it again on +15?

ACP= Auto Combat Points this program is for configure CP,HP,MP bar man the name define all AUTO CP,MP,HP ;)
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so it does full your cp etc without clicking?

you need configure the program man please first investigate the program and later post for any problem thanks
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  • 2 months later...

This i use very easy ty CriticalError for shared.

is there any new version out for gracia final ?

of course yes is for

C4, Interlude, Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia Part 1, Gracia Part 2. READ ALL TOPIC.

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