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Little question!

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I'll talk in theory, i'm 99% sure it works, but not 100% :) Try it yourself first:


Go to phpmyadmin 2.7.0 (do not ask for navicat, i don't use it, i use freeware appls) and go to charactes table... go to structure. There are 3 tables, x - y - z. This is the location of the char. Use the change structure function (that little pencil). Now (i hope you typed in game /loc command so as you know what are the x y and z values of the location) go to the column <<Default2>> (the one before the end) and for every row, use the values you got In Game and save the table. That's all, now (in theory) every character created will be spawned at that place. I haven't tried it but i knew that method and i am 99% sure it works. 5' Job to try it and see yourself if it works ;)

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killer_007 thats annyoing.

if you make that all chars will stuck...


i have allready made it so if i am sure it is at character_templates.


you must change the x y z of the starting classes


also from there you can edit the starting items


there are tables like item1 item2 etc..


all the starting info of the chars are there...

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they wont stuck cuz if they could stuck when you TP to other town and after you TP 10 more ppls then they will stuck? yea right and i am going to belive ya ... they dont stuck just on the first click for move its little laggy but then everything its OK

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