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Safe enchant - Gracia2 / L2J.


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ok and here is 2 progs that can make it SO EASY that u will NEVER FAIL.



its not anything special the idea is that counts :D the progs are easy to found



can you  maybe say me the exact time at 0.2 speed? because i cant catch the stupid time >.>

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It does work from what ive heard to is the owner of Lineage 2 Inc made a patch to fix it and put it on the L2J Fourms so they might have blocked it on some servers IF IF there is a fix


yea there is one, my admin fixed it yesterday, so guys if it still work on your server, use it until the next update ....

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Lol u guys. Dont u think it's too high? Lower it to 350 . I want just to ask something, does this exploit works for vista?


if you can open your L2 in vista yes, works in vista...


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