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[SHARE]PVP/PK reward system and Alternative PK system


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  • 3 months later...

I try but it isn't work.


+ //Costum PVP/PK Message - Start

+ COSTUM_MSG_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("AllowCostumPvPMessage", "True"));

+ ALLOW_PVP_REWARD = Boolean.parseBoolean(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("AllowPvpRewardSystem", "False"));

+ PVP_REWARD_ITEM = Integer.parseInt(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("PvpRewardItem", "57"));

+ PVP_REWARD_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("PvpRewardAmount", "1"));

+ ALLOW_PK_REWARD = Boolean.parseBoolean(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("AllowPkRewardSystem", "False"));

+ PK_REWARD_ITEM = Integer.parseInt(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("PkRewardItem", "57"));

+ PK_REWARD_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("PkRewardAmount", "1"));

+ DEFAULT_PK_SYSTEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("UseDefaultSystem", "True"));

+ COSTUM_PK_SYSTEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(IntrepidSettings.getProperty("UseCostumSystem", "False"));

+ //Costum PVP/PK Message - End



Have prolems and I replace IntrepidSettings by pvpSettings

//Costum PVP/PK Message - Start

COSTUM_MSG_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AllowCostumPvPMessage", "True"));

ALLOW_PVP_REWARD = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AllowPvpRewardSystem", "False"));

PVP_REWARD_ITEM = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PvpRewardItem", "57"));

PVP_REWARD_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PvpRewardAmount", "1"));

ALLOW_PK_REWARD = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AllowPkRewardSystem", "False"));

PK_REWARD_ITEM = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PkRewardItem", "57"));

PK_REWARD_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PkRewardAmount", "1"));

DEFAULT_PK_SYSTEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("UseDefaultSystem", "True"));

COSTUM_PK_SYSTEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("UseCostumSystem", "False"));

//Costum PVP/PK Message - End



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I try but it isn't work.

Have prolems and I replace IntrepidSettings by pvpSettings


i said it it was from my own config file so imho its obvious that you should replace it :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There with the item reward it would be better to have an item reward after a pvp limit. What i mean is if a player is good at PvPs then p.ex after 500 pvp wins he obtains a gift item. Then when he reaches again 500 more pvps then again gift. How to do that? I hope you will take my suggestion into consideration. Anyway, nc share!!!

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  • 10 months later...

learn to write 1st the "custom" and not "costum" and after make java code animal.i got million errors

Sorry, but you are the 'animal' here. Intrepid might have written the word custom in a wrong way, but the code works just fine. You are the one that should learn something. That is, if not how to code, to at least learn how to read and, kinda, understand how a code works and what exactly it does. If you knew that you wouldn't have errors. Actually this code can't show you any errors, except if by the word error, you mean error when applying the patch. What did you expect now? A patch created on a 2009 pack to be simply applied on a pack you are using in 2012?


Btw, you can't even do 1/10(or 1/100) of what Intrepid can.

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Sorry, but you are the 'animal' here. Intrepid might have written the word custom in a wrong way, but the code works just fine. You are the one that should learn something. That is, if not how to code, to at least learn how to read and, kinda, understand how a code works and what exactly it does. If you knew that you wouldn't have errors. Actually this code can't show you any errors, except if by the word error, you mean error when applying the patch. What did you expect now? A patch created on a 2009 pack to be simply applied on a pack you are using in 2012?


Btw, you can't even do 1/10(or 1/100) of what Intrepid can.

doesnt matter what year created the java code ! because you can adapt some java codes !

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doesnt matter what year created the java code ! because you can adapt some java codes !

Lol. Try to say this out loud in from of a mirror... :S

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