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interlude [Interlude L2J] Fully FRESHED and WIPED Line][Age DeathWhisper PvP

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G1AIQ9TY  so i guess you didnt fix this and didnt even bother to ban these guys timeforme came again for me today :P so maybe turn off olympiads? its really Funcked up

emm we all took dc from server and now cannot login ;p i dunno why i even want to login over power donators ,l2net everywhere, bugged oly, everyone is playing paladin at pvp zones, gm/admin never online, (only when they log in this forum server gets restarted) . dunno seems to start to suck ..


The end of l2dw has come..The server has 70-80 ppl online and 10-15 of them are bots in cruma/antharas.You go pi for pvp and you see 5-6 players.


The end of l2dw has come..The server has 70-80 ppl online and 10-15 of them are bots in cruma/antharas.You go pi for pvp and you see 5-6 players.


70-80 players? Hmm...Players online are more than 180 every day...Failed.


it says server traffic:down ping:9999 ! on site its all up and fine ^^ server may need a fresh restart :P



Here are my chars  :o deathr.jpg


Our ally made 19 heroes while they was using buggs against us in Oly !


Www.l2deathwhisper.com --> Hello everyone,

I'm Versus and i would like to inform you about my retirement from l2deathwhisper. Of course the updates will stop.. We had a big argument with XxRxX but me as a human can't stand some things, that's why i'm leaving. I could delete everything right away but i'm not that type of person. It was nice to meet you all!!! See you in another project !

Greetings, Fakoykas


Versus/fakoukas if you ever make a server i would be more than glad to join and quit deathwhisper.


That was a good srv...DeathWhisper w/o fafoykas will be 0 ;/


Aggre but ... there is any infos more why he exactly leave ??

And if he gonna make another one server ?? :)


Anyway Good Luck Versus irl :)

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