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Making Server Crash and Overenchanting Weapons/Armors (Specially lamer bug)


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Well, Im gonna hide this with a lot fo post becasue this can potencially destroy a server, and its not good to have behavior ppl resetings servers every 2 minutes.


What do u need?

U need l2phx working, a wepons for Overehcnat, and scrolls.


1.Go to the freight in any city.

2.Go to lphx and put on scripts this:

  if FromServer and (pck[1]=#$C2) then begin
    WriteS('Crash the Server?');

3.Freight an item and capture de packet(must start with 9F), copy for send (dont send yet), modify the packet, changing some info on it, like the char id and dont send.

4.Take the freighman on target, dont need to open the dialog.

5.Start to enchant ur weapon, +3,+4,+5,

6.when Weapon nroke just go fast to l2phx and send several times teh packet, server will reset becasue has several errors, and, when server automaticaly back, ur wapon is alive again.


*I recomend w8 like 1 minute inside enchant and enchant, the mini rollback when server broke is about 30 secs, so.


And more important thing, DONT ABUSE, and use this on hours with not so much ppl inside.


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THX FOR SHARE ,if is work i send a pm

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