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4 minutes ago, Mobius said:

Ah, another anonymous hero arrives to "save the day" without providing a single line of proof. You claim to have backdoor evidence, yet all we see are empty words and exaggerated theatrics. Your approach is like a magician without tricks - loud distractions but no substance.


I will use these words to say the same.
because you have not said so far what the problem of this source posted here...
all you talk about is to sell some deceitful work that you do with people.
always has a link to someone buy your misleading subscriptions. 
it’s a very great satisfaction to see your despair. hahahaha 

Posted (edited)

Despair? Hardly. Amusement? Absolutely.

Watching someone loudly wave their arms but deliver nothing is like enjoying a bad comedy.


I won’t waste more time with you...

  1. Empty Accusations: You’ve provided no evidence, no code snippets and no backdoor examples - just repeated hot air.
  2. Unverified Leaks: The files you posted are incomplete, unstable and missing critical updates. Anyone attempting to use them will quickly discover why.
  3. Motivations: You claim not to sell anything, but your intent is clear: disrupt, spread misinformation and seek attention.

I stand by my work and the community that supports it.

For those who truly want a functional and stable project: https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius/src/master/

And to those who choose to believe a faceless account without proof - best of luck. You’ll need it.


As for you, @HypeH, the topic ends here.

I have work to do and a community to support - two things you clearly know nothing about.

Enjoy the attention while it lasts.




Edited by Mobius
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Mobius said:

Desespero? Dificilmente. Diversão? Absolutamente.

Ver alguém gesticulando alto, mas não fazer nada, é como assistir a uma comédia ruim.


Não vou perder mais tempo com você...

  1. Acusações vazias : você não forneceu nenhuma evidência, nenhum trecho de código ou exemplo de backdoor - apenas conversa fiada repetida.
  2. Vazamentos não verificados : Os arquivos que você postou estão incompletos, instáveis e sem atualizações críticas. Qualquer um que tentar usá-los descobrirá rapidamente o porquê.
  3. Motivações : Você afirma não vender nada, mas sua intenção é clara: causar disrupção, espalhar desinformação e chamar atenção.

Eu defendo meu trabalho e a comunidade que o apoia.

Para aqueles que realmente querem um projeto funcional e estável  : https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius/src/master/

E para aqueles que escolherem acreditar em um relato sem rosto e sem provas - boa sorte. Vocês vão precisar.


Quanto a você,@HypeH, o tópico termina aqui.

Tenho trabalho a fazer e uma comunidade a apoiar — duas coisas sobre as quais você claramente não sabe nada.

Aproveite a atenção enquanto ela dura.




Você tem uma comunidade para enganar, e isso é fato!
E no seu perfil também não tem foto, mas eu sei exatamente como é sua cara. hahaha
Já disse várias vezes...
Não importa o quanto você tente se explicar para dizer que tudo que você faz está certo ou melhor.
Vários códigos em seus projetos são comentados em vez de implementados e corrigidos e isso é uma coisa tão simples.
Seria muito fácil para mim dizer onde estão os backdoors, os bugs e você simplesmente mover e vender como se fosse seu. (Acredito que você fará isso agora mesmo hahahah) ou dizer para alguém fazer isso por você.
Tenho vários prints de seus amigos me pedindo para compartilhar as correções que nem você nem ninguém conseguiu resolver. Isso é muito engraçado, hahaha...
Eu não tenho nada a perder aqui, agora você tem. vai perder muitos clientes.
As pessoas vão ver quem você realmente é.
um verdadeiro impostor, golpista.

I want to make it very clear here,
I am Software Engineer in a large company almost 10 years and I DO NOT WORK WITH ANY TYPE OF GAME OR SALE OF ANY KIND OF CONTENT FOR GAMES and LINEAGE2.
everything I do is open to everyone.
and also to show the scammer who deceives innocent people.

Edited by HypeH
On 12/16/2024 at 4:52 PM, HypeH said:

I was very anxious for you to show up here and talk that your project is better.
Take advantage and tell everyone that you sell codes full of backdoor, deceiving many people.
inclusive, this source posted here I even removed 2 backdoors in which you put.
you take advantage that many of your customers do not know how to program and puts malicious code in the sources.
I have a lot of current information about your projects.
It won’t solve anything you come here and try to explain yourself and say that this does not work or make any other excuse to try to sell codes full of backdoor to innocent people.
I have access to 99% of your donate files and most of them have malicious codes.
No matter what you say here to defend yourself, you are a scammer.
I have access to all your donates. jajajajaja...
you cannot ban someone who does not know who he is.
Your correction is completely useless, the most efficient corrections are not you who make   🤣😂🤣😂

I dont believe you have access to private repo, SCREENSHOT OR NEVER HAPPENED.. 
Proof or sftu
Show us screenshot of the diff this revision have  r15878 

Posted (edited)

OP must be so genius to find backdoors in open source project xD


and what does "misleading subscriptions" even mean?

Edited by BruT
Posted (edited)

When did I say that I have prints of projects?
don’t know why it makes so much difference.
I don’t need to prove anything, but he does need to prove it, because he is the one who sells misleading content.
Yes, I have access to everything, but through someone else, and he will never know who is. hahaha...
I don’t care about any of that.
take the risk who wants.
I’m not here trying to convince anyone to buy something of mine, or trying to convince someone to buy something misleading.

Edited by HypeH
Posted (edited)

man, you are using translator to communicate, good luck convincing people that you are capable programmer or that you know more than the others.

Edited by BruT

I will ignore all your comments, because I have seen several posts of yours defending the scammer mobius. hahahah....
All who defend him, can cry at will, I do not care.

I know he will try every way to defend himself to prove that he is an innocent little girl.


Ask the owner of the project and ask him to prove that THERE IS NO MALICIOUS CODE to somehow protect the leaks he suffers from his own friends.
He is the one who needs to prove, not me!

And of course he won’t say anything.
Backdoors are never built in the same place

49 minutes ago, HypeH said:

Ask the owner of the project and ask him to prove that THERE IS NO MALICIOUS CODE to somehow protect the leaks he suffers from his own friends.
He is the one who needs to prove, not me!

And of course he won’t say anything.
Backdoors are never built in the same place


i read all comments, and you only say: bla bla bla bla in 12 comments you don't say nothing, any screenshoot, any code where probe one backdoor on open source code, i think you put a back door in this files..



14 minutes ago, StarSCreams said:


Eu li todos os comentários, e você só diz: blá blá blá em 12 comentários você não diz nada, nenhuma captura de tela, nenhum código onde investiga um backdoor em código aberto, eu acho que você colocou um backdoor nesses arquivos.


If someone finds some backdoor in this source I posted, I reveal everything I know.
Let the games begin!   \o/ o/ o/ 


If at this exact moment I tell all I know the people in which I get all this information, will be banned by the scammer.
as I said, no one is obliged to believe, so keep spending your euros on codes that you think you know.
Soon, everything will make sense to everyone.

Posted (edited)

its so wrong to pay attention to such idiots, he definitely does not have any proof just hanging around else he would show them and people wouldnt trust mobius again.


just dont download anything he posted cuz its probly not malware free.

Edited by BruT
1 hour ago, BruT said:

its so wrong to pay attention to such idiots, he definitely does not have any proof just hanging around else he would show them and people wouldnt trust mobius again.


just dont download anything he posted cuz its probly not malware free.


That's what I thought after reading all the comments posted by him.

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