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They will use every argument to convince you that their private project is the best option.
I must confess that, in the past, it might have been worth paying a few dollars, or perhaps euros, to get relevant fixes for these projects that are claimed to be reliable.
Nowadays, it’s no longer worth paying even a single dollar because they are completely corrupt and deceiving many people.

Today, we have various tools that can be used for reverse engineering to create your own project by gathering data from official servers. It’s not as complex as they make it seem.
Of course, they will use every possible means to ensure everyone buys and uses their private projects, which have weekly data leaks—not to mention the backdoors they deliberately install, knowing they can be exposed at any time.
Of course, I know that some people here are receiving perks to defend a fraudster who claims that private projects deliver daily fixes.
I've said it many times, and I'll say it again...
It doesn't matter what they say. It doesn't matter what words they use to justify and claim that the fraudster Mobius is an honest project.
Several forums are already pointing out and exposing how mediocre these private projects are.

Posted (edited)

i found a small code with encrypted configuration strings which are decoded with extended Base64 that have the function to connect to a host and download some kind of zombie bot malware so once u try the unofficial files you will most likely become a ddos bot, and the funny part is that the antivir doesnt detect anything.

Edited by BruT
9 hours ago, IloveProgramming said:

So, make me understand one thing, you consider your previous work a crap? Everyone who has payd for l2jmobius subscription since 2018 untill 2024 had access to a crap version of your server and the best is the latest you release in this very moment to your actual subscribers?

I consider you to be a complete moron...

1 hour ago, HypeH said:

They will use every argument to convince you that their private project is the best option.
I must confess that, in the past, it might have been worth paying a few dollars, or perhaps euros, to get relevant fixes for these projects that are claimed to be reliable.
Nowadays, it’s no longer worth paying even a single dollar because they are completely corrupt and deceiving many people.

Today, we have various tools that can be used for reverse engineering to create your own project by gathering data from official servers. It’s not as complex as they make it seem.
Of course, they will use every possible means to ensure everyone buys and uses their private projects, which have weekly data leaks—not to mention the backdoors they deliberately install, knowing they can be exposed at any time.
Of course, I know that some people here are receiving perks to defend a fraudster who claims that private projects deliver daily fixes.
I've said it many times, and I'll say it again...
It doesn't matter what they say. It doesn't matter what words they use to justify and claim that the fraudster Mobius is an honest project.
Several forums are already pointing out and exposing how mediocre these private projects are.

My project seems perfectly fine for you to steal, on the other hand it is no good...
Why don't you fork L2jServer and make your own project you skillless piece of shit?

1 hour ago, BruT said:

i found a small code with encrypted configuration strings which are decoded with extended Base64 that have the function to connect to a host and download some kind of zombie bot malware so once u try the unofficial files you will most likely become a ddos bot, and the funny part is that the antivir doesnt detect anything.

Don't add fuel to the fire.
They are brainless enough to take what you say and fuel their shit logic on any shit.
That is how flat earth came to be. From monkeys like them.

You are a poor monkey that lives in a favela?
Blame your god, not me.

You are greedy bastard, that knows shit on programming and uses leaked versions?
Transplant a brain.

My work is the proof.

People that have seen it, actually know.

No subscription? Wait a few months and get an actual release.



Some info on the monkey disturbing people for his own personal benefit.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Mobius said:

I consider you to be a complete moron...

My project seems perfectly fine for you to steal, on the other hand it is no good...
Why don't you fork L2jServer and make your own project you skillless piece of shit?

Don't add fuel to the fire.
They are brainless enough to take what you say and fuel their shit logic on any shit.
That is how flat earth came to be. From monkeys like them.

You are a poor monkey that lives in a favela?
Blame your god, not me.

You are greedy bastard, that knows shit on programming and uses leaked versions?
Transplant a brain.

My work is the proof.

People that have seen it, actually know.

No subscription? Wait a few months and get an actual release.



Some info on the monkey disturbing people for his own personal benefit.

You consider me a complette moron... ok. But you did not answered my question! 

27 minutes ago, IloveProgramming said:

You consider me a complette moron... ok. But you did not answered my question! 

I've already answered your question multiple times, yet here we are again.
Try reading the previous replies again - slowly this time.

Posted (edited)

Bem, bem...
O grande paladino, o poderoso deus-rei todo-poderoso de L2J, decidiu aparecer para soltar suas verdadeiras palavras de insultos e racismo contra os outros.
Acredito que, de fato, os administradores não tolerarão isso.@Maxtor

Cada palavra que você diz mostra exatamente o quanto você é um imbecil, um golpista que engana as pessoas e vende códigos fraudulentos para indivíduos inocentes.
Sabe o que ainda é melhor? Aqui neste fórum, você não tem poder sobre as opiniões dos outros.

Que outras palavras você tem para insultar as pessoas?
Estou aqui para ver você chorar e chamar por sua mamãe.
Você é um verdadeiro covarde que engana pessoas inocentes sem conhecimento. É mais fácil para você enganá-las dessa forma, não é?
Talvez isso não seja novidade para todos, pois muitos podem ver que você faz isso o tempo todo com as pessoas do seu grupo do Discord.
Acredito que você atrapalhou meu conselho de começar um programa de comédia na TV porque, a cada dia que passa, você é mais como um palhaço. Um palhaço golpista, é claro. 
Você está caindo em um abismo sem fim, e eu estou adorando.
Fraudadores e golpistas que enganam pessoas inocentes ganham prejuízo.

@BruTAgora, quanto a você...
Sinceramente, não sei quem é Gabriel. Ele deve ser outro idiota como você e Mobius, enganando alguém.
Vocês são todos tão tolos a ponto de acreditar que tudo o que está acontecendo é por causa de apenas uma ou duas pessoas?
Claro que não. Muitas pessoas já foram vítimas dos golpes do grande mestre da fraude de código malicioso. E alguns tentaram falar e revelar gradualmente quem é o verdadeiro fraudador.

10 horas atrás, Mobius disse:



Agora, quanto a essa informação...
Tenho quase certeza de que esse cara que você diz ser eu devo ser outro idiota como você, tentando manipular algo.
Seu nível de estupidez não tem limites!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Edited by HypeH
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, HypeH said:

Well, well...
The great paladin, the mighty all-powerful god-king of L2J, has decided to show up to unleash his true words of insults and racism against others.
I believe that, in fact, the administrators will not tolerate this. @Maxtor

Every word you say shows exactly how much of an imbecile you are, a scammer who deceives people and sells fraudulent codes to innocent individuals.
You know what's even better? Here on this forum, you have no power over others' opinions.

What other words do you have to insult people?
I'm here to watch you cry and call for your mommy.
You are a true coward who deceives innocent people with no knowledge. It's easier for you to trick them that way, isn't it?
Maybe this isn't news to everyone, as many can see that you do this all the time with people in your Discord group.
I believe you took my advice to start a comedy show on TV because, with each passing day, you're more like a clown. A scammer clown, of course. 
You are falling into an endless abyss, and I am loving it.
Fraudsters and scammers who deceive innocent people deserve to fail.

@BruTNow, as for you...
I honestly don’t know who Gabriel is. He must be another idiot like you and Mobius, trying to deceive someone.
Are you all really so foolish as to believe that everything happening is because of just one or two people?
Of course not. Many people have already fallen victim to the scams of the great master of malicious code fraud. And some have decided to speak up and gradually reveal who the real fraudster truly is.

slandering without any proof is also bannable offence.

Edited by BruT


10 hours ago, Mobius said:

At what age did you stop going to school?
How can you be so idiotic?
In many countries around the world, calling someone a 'monkey' is a crime. 

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing Mobius' desperation to defend himself by using insults and revealing who he really is. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, HypeH said:


At what age did you stop going to school?
How can you be so idiotic?
In many countries around the world, calling someone a 'monkey' is a crime. 


5 minutes ago, HypeH said:


At what age did you stop going to school?
How can you be so idiotic?
In many countries around the world, calling someone a 'monkey' is a crime. 

i dont usually pay attention to uneducated and illiterate people like you that doesnt even know english in 2025 but i was bored and its not even fun anymore, now get lost of my face and seek attention in some pub.

Edited by BruT
3 minutes ago, BruT said:


Eu normalmente não presto atenção em pessoas sem educação e analfabetas como você, que nem sabem inglês em 2025, mas eu estava entediado e não é mais divertido, agora saia da minha frente e procure atenção em algum pub.

I believe the one who should leave is you, since I created this topic.
Go back to school, it will help you understand discussions between adults.
And don't forget to change your dirty diapers. 🤣


I'm really glad to see there's still activity in this forum, but it saddens me to see malicious individuals trying to undermine the work of the few remaining developers we have. Their efforts deserve respect, not unnecessary criticism.


Much love & respect to @Mobius and ofcourse @BruT for his beloved character. 😄


As I said before...
In the past, it would have been worth buying their private projects, but time passes and people become corrupted. People who act with racism toward others don't deserve respect.

Posted (edited)

It seems I struck a chord there… Two targets down with one shot.

Don’t try to play the racist card on me.
I’ve worked with people from all backgrounds and fools like you exist regardless of race.


If you can't handle the truth, maybe step away from the keyboard.

I only respond to what comes my way - you were the one who’s blatantly disrespectful to everyone.

Oh, and thank you for advertising my project!

You’ve truly made my Christmas - much appreciated.


Edited by Mobius

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