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OL buffs in olympiad


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U will need friend who's OL high lvl. Tell him to take off all items which gives casting speed. Now you need to register to grand olympiad games and pm your friend when u will be inside arena. When u are teleported inside olympiad arena he must find in what arena you are fighting and for example he saw you in 1st arena.

And from here we will start using buggz :o

Your friend casts buff (vop,berseker,shield whatevah) and fast hits to observe 1st arena. Now he waits few secs when casting is finished and you get his buffs :)



If some1 already posted this , just delete this topic.

Btw my english aint perfect so if u cant understand smth , i will try explain it too u.

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Today i found another similar bug like this. If u want to use it ,client should be c6/hellbound (even dunno :D) and u should have a castle. With castle lords crown u get residential skill summon clan members, they can teleport near u when u activate teleport wortex.So hit this skill and fast click on 1st olympiad arena,portal will appear inside it and your clan members can go there through castle court manager. The point is clan vs 1 scared dude ... U will always win till u will be banned :)

GL in olympiad 2 u and ofc 4 ur clan :D

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i must check this, but you must be in the same cage what observators spawn, Frenzy? sry for english, i hope u can understand this

Yeah u must be in same cage with ol, if not u can just run to another when batle starts. Or fight near that cage where ol is , so he could restore your cp/hp and give buffs.

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Just 1 question, he casts all buffs b4 he selects the arena or after he select the arena? Because i think in my server if u are in spectator mode u cannot use skills :-\

U need to remove all armors and start casting 4example victories of pagrio. Casting will be very slow about 10sec~ and u must fast go to arena where your friend fighting. VOP casting will be finished inside arena and your fr be buffed with VOP. Now return and use other buff and again and arena where ur friend fighting -.- U need be quick as possible.

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