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SCAMMER!! - beware of "theHunter".


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People, there is a guy called theHunter, he is asking for a server interlude to classic, all the client items.

My friend took the job, I rejected it because this user looked suspicious, then my friend charged him in advance and put a message on paypal that the payment is approved by him and belongs to my friend, since he has no company account he can not make donation ticket, then he gave him all the client files, after this, he went on a trip for a couple of days and this "theHunter" told him that there were 4 things wrong, my friend told him to wait until he gets back from his work trip to help fix everything, and the guy started to threaten him that he was going to refund the money, after that, my friend made 3 mistakes, some tattoos, some recipes, but then all the armors (which are about 40), all the custom weapons that he made worked perfectly, he kept more than 90% of my friend's work and the money, so be careful, the server that this guy manages is called "l2 revenge" and who supports him is called "EternalSin".

After this, my friend told him that after those three days out he would start helping him to fix things, but this user started to insult him or disrespect him, and threatened him to refund the money from PayPal.

On the other hand, he asked him to make effects for the guns and my friend told him that he did not know about this and that he could return a part of the money for not being able to do this, to which the user replied that there was no problem and that he should keep the money. Then this user gave him a list of items he wanted for his server, but did not give so much information, then my friend was asking him everything for 3 days without sleep, the user gave him a "client patch" with the server he wanted to move to classic but this had antihack and could not touch anything, for that reason my friend began to ask him everything he needed, after this, the user told him to steal the weapon effects of l2 Megapvp, and finally began to threaten again and told him to keep the money:





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dont post only your side 

i did like the 70% of the client work u got paid 1st and u never finished , u went off as u said till tuesday night i was speaking for u asking if u finish the job and u never reply instead u said only this :

fa1th08/22/2023 7:18 PM

First of all, before disrespecting me, you gave me everything incomplete, you didn't give me photos and I had to look for everything, secondly, you started to threaten and insult me because an armour was not visible and then because of your mistake you apologised to me, I warned you 5 times that I won't be here until Tuesday night and you write threatening me, I have been travelling for 20 hours and I have to read your threats? After that you instigated me to steal the effects of l2megapvp... I warned you in advance that I don't do effects and still you start disrespecting me, in fact I sent you everything, but there are things that I couldn't check because they are checked on the same server, I don't work on osamita's off server because their client is totally ruined by the lack of desire of their own developers. On the other hand, the tattoos you said they were good and then you told me they were bad, I will give you some advice, when you hire someone you should give them all the details, pictures, information, how you would like something to look like, ask if it is possible or if this person can do such an action, etc.

and then i replied this and u never replied again:






yet it is thursday still waiting your reply still u did not answer and obviously i did not have u block 


but u instead got vanished... so yea i pressed refund and the amount from the 100 i asked for 50 euros refund since u gave me half job... am i the scammer though?

the thing is u dont reply and u did not tell me that you will fix the issues! i finished all myself rofl... u could say to me that ok i will fix them wait for me or something.. now i claim my 50% at least 🙂 since u only did the copy paste (all items were existing on client) 

Edited by Cressendia
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I can't figure out why some people believe that making fixes for the server, even if they are client side, should be done quickly.
Just because you paid 100 euros for something doesnt mean it has to be done right away. 
Only a fool would stay without sleep for 3 days straight to fix items in the server or client worth 100 euros.

I know both people, theHunter and Zoumhs. Ive never had any problems with them.

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On 8/24/2023 at 4:41 PM, SkyLord said:

I can't figure out why some people believe that making fixes for the server, even if they are client side, should be done quickly.
Just because you paid 100 euros for something doesnt mean it has to be done right away. 
Only a fool would stay without sleep for 3 days straight to fix items in the server or client worth 100 euros.

I know both people, theHunter and Zoumhs. Ive never had any problems with them.


Please, refrain from expressing an opinion on the matter if you are not aware of what has actually happened. Here is a brief summary of everything.

On 8/24/2023 at 4:41 PM, SkyLord said:

I can't figure out why some people believe that making fixes for the server, even if they are client side, should be done quickly.
Just because you paid 100 euros for something doesnt mean it has to be done right away. 
Only a fool would stay without sleep for 3 days straight to fix items in the server or client worth 100 euros.

I know both people, theHunter and Zoumhs. Ive never had any problems with them.



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refund is cancelled by my side but its so unfair since the guy never delivered the full items, he refers for 40 + armors but they were already in the classic client and all u had to do is copy paste and nchange ids... oh well and in itemname to change the color=1 to 5 anyway i request this guy to be banned since he never delivered the work, i finished all the recipes, i put the enchant glow in items



regarding the "stolen effects from l2megapvp" 


let me clarify you what happened because obviously this guy doesnt understand

i told him get the patch of mega it has "epic weapons" and "steal" the effect that means to go to weapon and check the column JUNK= that refers for which effect the weapon has... get the number and put it on my weapons! THE EFFECTS ARE RETAIL EFFECTS AND ALREADY IN GAME


I DID THIS MYSELF even if i paid him for this to make it.. i also reconstructed the glow position etc etc etc


so yeah the guy did just a bad copy paste


i finished recipes, olympiad items, misc items.. he forgot completely some items such as armor token etc.. he claims i gave him only client.. we yeah.. open the interlude patch with pawnviewer check the items i gave u on the txt and copy them from interlude. what else u need to make a copy ? a live server? rofl

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It seems like there might be a misunderstanding. Both the person buying and the person selling should agree on some rules when they start the deal. If things aren't clear from the beginning, it's the responsibility of both people. If you're arguing about who did what after the work has started, it's not a good situation.

My suggestion is for both of you to talk and make sure you understand everything clearly. Don't miss any important details.

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11 minutes ago, Trance said:

It seems like there might be a misunderstanding. Both the person buying and the person selling should agree on some rules when they start the deal. If things aren't clear from the beginning, it's the responsibility of both people. If you're arguing about who did what after the work has started, it's not a good situation.

My suggestion is for both of you to talk and make sure you understand everything clearly. Don't miss any important details.

already cancelled the refund, he can keep the money for an unfinished work.. too much qq for 100euro

also this guy speaks for lawyers for 100 and i got msgs that says he is poor, how pathetic can he be lol

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On 8/26/2023 at 2:06 PM, Cressendia said:

already cancelled the refund, he can keep the money for an unfinished work.. too much qq for 100euro

also this guy speaks for lawyers for 100 and i got msgs that says he is poor, how pathetic can he be lol

After he got the money, I don't know what else is going on about this matter 🙂

Hopefully, this isn't just a type of advertisement 😄

Still money needs to be spent on advertising here.


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14 hours ago, SkyLord said:

After he got the money, I don't know what else is going on about this matter 🙂

Hopefully, this isn't just a type of advertisement 😄

Still money needs to be spent on advertising here.


i dont really know he got all the amount, i cancelled the refund just to avoid the qq, and this forum is so stupid that will think i am the scammer 🙂 , brs/argentinians are so gipsy on this matters.. haha... lawyer.. wtf

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  • 2 weeks later...
18 hours ago, Eldamar said:

By looking at the profile picture it seems that this guy is Amenadiel?


Known scammer.



i wish u knew the whole story with that guy 🙂
Known scammer yeah

@zoumhs can u answer?
@protoftw can u answer
nightwolf can u answer? 

i made deals with lots of people ask celestine too, they banned me cause the proofs were one sided

with that guy corason 

i paid lots of money for 3 skill bars in c4 client


ended up paying a lot more and without receiving the skill bars but instead moving to c6 and make my server c6 with c4 scripts.. never ever i reported him , so to cover up things i decided not to pay him for the animations that he sent me.. yes that was my bad move 🙂 anyway call me scammer there no doubt since i did that, bad fame is the best advertisement

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