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Report LordWinter, Eternity owner


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Scammer - https://maxcheaters.com/profile/219128-lordwinter/

I would like to report LordWinter for scamming me.

I paid 700€ for full source access which i lost couple of months ago and he is ignoring now, refusing to give me access to the new SVN.

Long story short, we made a deal for the full source access (there were no terms or anything related to me losing access to it after x period of times or anything related to periods, so i should have access as long as he provides this server, which he still is).
First i had access to SVN and everything was fine, but when he moved SVN, he started ignoring me and does not want to restore the access.

Anyways, he also said i need to pay 20$ for him to give me access to new repositories, which i agreed to, then he started ignoring me completely and hasnt responded ever since. Last contact i had with him was on March 24th where he said we can do it and he will restore it.

Now, i ask he picks either of these options:

1. Give me access to new SVN

2. Refund me the money if he doesn't want me to have the access

3. Get banned from MXC for scamming.


All the details, screenshots, more in depth information has already been reported to Celestine, so he knows all of the situation. 


Adding link to the screenshots of our "conversation" on skype since the images  weight too much.



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Everything the thread owner is reporting is true, lordwinter has been ignoring it for a long time. L2JEternity is undoubtedly one of the best revs on the market, but this service left a lot to be desired. It would be nice if  @LordWinter spoke on this topic

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I wonder what all the text that is blocked out from being read states. Leaves room for questioning.

3 hours ago, L2Enmity said:

Man, get off my back, no one cares about your shitty server, literally no one does, you can keep on wiping it, it won't make the server better you clown, this is none of your business, so go get some drugs and back off.

And although its none of your business, he was perfectly in known and he knew that i have the access without me even saying it since we were chatting most of the time during the transition.

Someone sounds a little hurt for some reason. Why does the status of someones server have to do with you potentially losing access without responding or paying mind to notification of what is required of you after a SVN access change?

Sounds like you hold a grudge for something with L2Axis.

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is this some kind of rofl? creating a server with source codes for $700? I think it is unlikely that they gave them to you for only $ 700, the price with the sources would have been much higher, and you did not post a complete correspondance where there was an agreement to buy the sources

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21 minutes ago, Corason said:

is this some kind of rofl? creating a server with source codes for $700? I think it is unlikely that they gave them to you for only $ 700, the price with the sources would have been much higher, and you did not post a complete correspondance where there was an agreement to buy the sources

I think you are out of touch with pricing these days. $700 with source is an ok price.

L2 is a shrinking community.

Why would anyone pay more?

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Where is the proof of purchase of the source code?
Do you send him money without any approval that he is ready to accept it from his side and call it a scam?
What SVN are you talking about, all sources moved to git with user notification. Screenshot of notification below. Are you better than other users in some way?

Should I emphasize the words about "without right to restore"? Even on your screenshots it is clear that you were notified, but you were not interested.

It is clear to me that you had a private deal, because the source code is not officially sold. And now you've made it public. You received a copy of the sources, and I'm pretty sure you were going to resell them.

If I were LordWinter, banning would be a better choice for me than continuing to deal with such a person.

"All the details, screenshots, more in depth information has already been reported to Celestine, so he knows all of the situation." - is this supposed to sound like proof to the community? We understand that you are friends with him, especially when you resell his work.


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1 hour ago, Projack said:

Where is the proof of purchase of the source code?
Do you send him money without any approval that he is ready to accept it from his side and call it a scam?
What SVN are you talking about, all sources moved to git with user notification. Screenshot of notification below. Are you better than other users in some way?

Should I emphasize the words about "without right to restore"?

"All the details, screenshots, more in depth information has already been reported to Celestine, so he knows all of the situation." - is this supposed to sound like proof to the community? We understand that you are friends with him, especially when you resell his work


1. He knew that i have full source access and while he was moving svn's we were talking all the time and i was reporting him a lot of bugs i was finding with his rev, so, i didn't see a reason why i would write to him "hey so you know how i got full source access so move my svn too". He knew very well that i have it so your point is invalid about the notification and the thread. 

2. I've bought the source access months ago, so what are you talking about me sending money to him? 

3. Jaja, sure, you know the best what i was planning to do with the source code which i had access to, you must be a wizard or a witch to be able to know all of these things?!

Purchase proof? Here you go my friend, everything for you - https://imgur.com/a/nDf1oc9

3. Celestine knows all of the situation and has all the proof this thread needs, i won't be sharing every single conversation i was having with lordwinter during the time we were communicating with each other. Facts remains the same, on latest conversations he agreed to restore my access to the svn and i also agreed to pay the fee for it and after that - dead silent.

4. You shouldn't be concerned who is selling whos work especially when you don't know the situation, should i be explaining this when this is not connected to the case at all? Doesn't concern you. 

This is a matter between me and Lordwinter, he failed to restore the access when he said he will be doing so now he has 24 hours to respond to this matter, because, if i pay 700 euros, sorry, 800 euros for source access, i don't think its fine when i lose it and can't access it anymore.

Won't be responding to replies here except Lordwinter's, if he replies, as i can't be bothered explaining unrelated stuff to lordwinters ass lickers here.

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You can not answer me, i don't need it.
1. Why should he? I can ask again why do you think that you are better than the others and deserve exceptional approach? Notification exists it's a fact.
2. Maybe i missunderstood coz of hidden parts, but looks like you send him additional 20$ and call it scam. Any way u got full access on that moment. It's not his problem and it's not his responsibility to run for everyone with access. He, like anyone in his place, interested in users showing interest.
3. And what we see, that u got full access and no any words about support for you. Just access, and u got it. From that moment it's your responsibility to keep it updated. And keep in touch with updates from official information portal. He tried to make an exception for you and restore the missed access. You called it stupid. And still want a good relationship with yourself?
4. He failed to restore? At the end he even don't agreed to do it. Not accepted your money. Mb he changed his mind. And most importantly, he can ignore you. Coz from his side he gave you full access and you just loose it. If you think that when you buy something you get lifetime support and seller will leak your ass - you are wrong. He is not responsible for the fact that you missed something. It works like legal principle "ignorance of the law i no excuse".

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To begin with, L2Enmity woke up 2 months after svn stopped working, as I wrote to you earlier, restoring access is $20 and I do not refuse to return access, but - all our disputes are due to fact that you want me to remove binding from core and fact that you will be able to resell you don't care. Having access to updates and the removed binding - don't you want a lot?
You forgot to clarify that you have not been updated since November 2022, otherwise you would have known that svn is closing - I wrote about it wherever I could.
I am ready to restore access on my terms, but without removing binding (only on these terms) and only because we could not agree because of binding, access is not restored

And $20 recovery is only because I transferred all users to git for free for a month(November-December 2022). And since svn is not active right now, I can't fully verify the data

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6 minutes ago, LordWinter said:

To begin with, L2Enmity woke up 2 months after svn stopped working, as I wrote to you earlier, restoring access is $20 and I do not refuse to return access, but - all our disputes are due to fact that you want me to remove binding from core and fact that you will be able to resell you don't care. Having access to updates and the removed binding - don't you want a lot?
You forgot to clarify that you have not been updated since November 2022, otherwise you would have known that svn is closing - I wrote about it wherever I could.
I am ready to restore access on my terms, but without removing binding (only on these terms) and only because we could not agree because of binding, access is not restored

And $20 recovery is only because I transferred all users to git for free for a month(November-December 2022). And since svn is not active right now, I can't fully verify the data

My guy you're delusional. I agreed for you to restore my access and i also agreed to pay 20$ for it, are you for real?

All i want is my source access restored so i would have the same way of access as previously.

Why didn't you respond to me in TWO months while you agreed to do so?


Solving the source access on skype, after two month all it took was a report for him to respond instantly, such magic

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LOL. "Remove binding" and you say you didn't plan to resell? What a bullshit person. Just a threat to l2jeternity community. @LordWinter pls, keep on ignoring him. All this gives a clear view, that there is no scam at all, just stupidness of one person



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