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is there a command to add pvp/pk via admin panel in acis?



hi members. i want to ask something. i ve use l2jacis free rev and i want to ask if there is a admin command in which you can set the pvp/pk socre of a player via admin pannel ,like l2jfrozen.

or do you need java modification in order to make that think happen?

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11 hours ago, jack21 said:

thanks for your reply mate. i know how to do it from navicat. can we find somewhere how to make it via java?



Check net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers. In there you should see several classes representing various admin commands. You need to make a new class by observing the existing ones and check:

if (command.startsWith("admin_add_pvp"))
        GameObject targetObject = player.getTarget();
        if (targetObject == null  || !(targetObject instanceof Player))



                int pvp = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(14));

                Player target = (Player) targetObject;

               target.setPvpKills(target.getPvpKills() + pvp);

               target.broadcastUserInfo(); // Alternatively you can target.sendPacket(new UserInfo(target)) but in case you got systems like pvp color system use this.


        catch (Exception e)

                player.sendMessage("Usage: //add_pvp amount");





Please note that I wrote this code here in the reply section I didn't actually check it with aCis, it might need a few changes. You can easily make such a thing tho you don't even neeed to know java to understand how it works.

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