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L2JaCis 399 Custom Edit L2JDev

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  • Dungeon Event Instancia
  • ItemsHandler ClanItem, NobleItem, HeroItem7Days, HeroItem30Days, HeroItemEternal,
  • Add Ant-Zerg BossZone Max Clan/Ally Member Permanence Zone
  • Add Send Donate Admin Command Reward Player/name Online and Offline Player.
  • Add Premium/VIP and XP | SP | DROP | DROP-ADENA |
  • Add IconTable data/xml/icons.xml
  • Block Class Use Equipe Bow
  • Check HP Title Type Monster




Download Compiled Filles: https://mega.nz/file/BRYQQDzL#r7Bw4sp-3h8RtsOMFOeQU-adoEVi1rNHVvOxlZRsh2U

Trunk_399 Edit Soucer : https://mega.nz/file/pNhX3SqY#jA7_Nm8CIfstZ628fEdczTSgjFq4aDOckxdvtEZqp5o

MariaDB: https://mega.nz/file/YBIXXSgY#9xqdkVMXAXY3VPNkBs6R05rnzJ9bH6aU47y2WNLfri4 
JDK-11: https://mega.nz/file/JBYDDKJL#09VBtDqAepkTXkqnqRIsnOilEH4NJypEThHgr5fXbpY 
Navicat: https://mega.nz/file/IUhwVLCb#hv3Ak3U_s_mR66XcsXRx1EMjxE7-O6vrSj-wmxMAdcg Geodata: https://mega.nz/file/1IJjRYKI#NWsguWD4uAc3DmUB23nSxSTBRk2ipVlLFVHMki3SETc


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6 hours ago, L2VANPER said:
  • Dungeon Event Instancia
  • ItemsHandler ClanItem, NobleItem, HeroItem7Days, HeroItem30Days, HeroItemEternal,
  • Add Ant-Zerg BossZone Max Clan/Ally Member Permanence Zone
  • Add Send Donate Admin Command Reward Player/name Online and Offline Player.
  • Add Premium/VIP and XP | SP | DROP | DROP-ADENA |
  • Add IconTable data/xml/icons.xml
  • Block Class Use Equipe Bow
  • Check HP Title Type Monster



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Download Compiled Filles: https://mega.nz/file/BRYQQDzL#r7Bw4sp-3h8RtsOMFOeQU-adoEVi1rNHVvOxlZRsh2U

Trunk_399 Edit Soucer : https://mega.nz/file/pNhX3SqY#jA7_Nm8CIfstZ628fEdczTSgjFq4aDOckxdvtEZqp5o

MariaDB: https://mega.nz/file/YBIXXSgY#9xqdkVMXAXY3VPNkBs6R05rnzJ9bH6aU47y2WNLfri4 
JDK-11: https://mega.nz/file/JBYDDKJL#09VBtDqAepkTXkqnqRIsnOilEH4NJypEThHgr5fXbpY 
Navicat: https://mega.nz/file/IUhwVLCb#hv3Ak3U_s_mR66XcsXRx1EMjxE7-O6vrSj-wmxMAdcg Geodata: https://mega.nz/file/1IJjRYKI#NWsguWD4uAc3DmUB23nSxSTBRk2ipVlLFVHMki3SETc


thank you for share, a couple of things

the first file i've open didnt tell me much about the pack and the developer

public static void unspawn()
        NpcData table = NpcData.getInstance();
        try (Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection();
            PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_HIGH_RATE);
            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
            while (rs.next())
                int pointer = 1;
                int npcId = rs.getInt(pointer++);
                int locX = rs.getInt(pointer++);
                int locY = rs.getInt(pointer++);
                int locZ = rs.getInt(pointer++);
                int heading = rs.getInt("heading");
                respawnTime = rs.getInt("respawn_delay");
                NpcTemplate tp = table.getTemplate(npcId);
                if (tp != null)
                    _npcSpawn1 = new Spawn(tp);
                    _npcSpawn1.setLoc(locX, locY, locZ, heading);
                    Npc npc = _npcSpawn1.doSpawn(false);
                    if (npc instanceof Monster)
                        npc.setInstanceId(InstanceMap.HighRateInstanceId, true);
                        // err
        catch (Exception e)

else { error }

random static access

public static void Finish_Event()
        _started = false;
        _finish = true;
        if (!AdminDungeon._bestfarm_manual)
            AdminDungeon._bestfarm_manual = false;
        for (Player player : World.getInstance().getPlayers())
            if (player != null && player.isOnline())
                CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(player.getObjectId(), SayType.HERO_VOICE, "", ("Next Dungeon: " + InicialDungeon.getInstance().getNextTime()) + " (GMT-3)."); // 8D

con.close, wheird stuff when using try/catch with resources

protected static void desSpawn()

        NpcData table = NpcData.getInstance();
        try (Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection();
            PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_HIGH_RATE);
            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
            while (rs.next())
                int pointer = 1;
                int npcId = rs.getInt(pointer++);
                NpcTemplate tp = table.getTemplate(npcId);
                if (tp != null)
                    if (_npcSpawn1 == null)
                    SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_npcSpawn1, false);

        catch (Exception e)
        // teleport players back, cleanup everything else
        world = null;


overall bad coded customs, also i am not sure if this is a version of acis that can be shared but if not thank you 🙂

  • Haha 1
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