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[Guide]Increasing accuracy to your AwP[CS:S]


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If there is one thing i get tired of hearing in a scrim or scrimmage it's this.


"omg wtf there is no reg or registration in this server my crosshair was rite on his head."


well your crosshair may have indeed been on the enemy's head.

but as far as the game code is concerned you may have missed by a mile

so what i am going to do is show you how to make your awp shot's register or reg better

these tips well also help with all the other weapons in counter strike source


type these cvar commands in console inside counter strike source to enable the console hit the "~" also know as the Tilda key. if after pressing the "~" key nothing happens you will have to check the enable developer console setting in keyboard/advanced settings in counter strike source.



cl_interp 0


cl_interpolate 0


cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1


cl_cmdrate 100


cl_updaterate 100


cl_rate 20000


cl_smooth 0


rate 25000


zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.76




after you enter all of those cvars/console commands


close counter strike source then restart steam



now that we have taken care of that problem let's focus on you yes you

it is extremely important to remember that when you play

not to grip your mouse to tightly with your hand. because when you do that your

muscle's have tendency to jerk. usually resulting in you missing the kill so keep that in mind while you play. another this to remember is to make sure you stop walking before you shoot this sounds very obvious but this little trick is what separates the pub stars from the pro players. you can practice this by making your own counter strike source server and practice running and stopping about 50 times a day until you get the timing down pat.


ok lets talk about your gaming gear

i know that grime encrusted ball mouse is broke in but you won't be getting on any

cal i or cevo p team playing with that shit so here is a list of good gaming mouse's



the Razer Copperhead™ Gaming Mouse sells for about 55 to 60 bucks


the Logitech G5 Laser 2000 dpi Mouse my favorite sells for about 55 to 60 bucks as well


well thats all for now


Source CS:S Tactics.

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:O Good , i also have a cs keyboard and CS mouse they own so much.. gonna show them to ya :D






OMG lol.... what keyboard is what... how to play with this??? ...

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The keyboard is called X7 G100 and the mouse is just called X7 they are selling them in packages in bulgaria you can get both of em for like 45 euro .. i didn't miss the chance... they are really good !!! ;)) Btw if ya going to buy them from i-net you should search for X7 keyboard + mouse if the price exceed 55 euro than they are scamming ... They are cheap and awesome.

The best part of the mouse and keyboard is ... even if you get your hands wet your hand doesn't slide :D i love it :P.


@Killer what do you mean you play normally they are very good despite how the keyboard look its very useful .. tho its bad for chat but i usually play with ts/ventrillo so its no prob :D.


And my headphones that i recently bought from i-net


Skullcandy G.I. Headphones ---> skull-candy-headphone.jpg

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pff we go off topiC btw..hackz0r u bought it quite epensive :)  see http://www.bigsales.gr/EBC01CA3.el.aspx it's in greek btw it costs 12.50 euro only huh.. Including tax rate



yea maybe but i bought it while ago and it was very expensive than :X


thanks for your good replies tho i'll do my best :).

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