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Old Interface ona c6 classic style

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Good afternoon to all, I do not know if anyone will have the source code of the ona interface, that it is possible to compile it.
I tried to decrypt and use wotgreater but it was impossible to compile, the code is exported with many errors and unkknown methods. 

Thank you very much, a greeting.

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not even worth searching this crap interface it had tons of errors and who ever copy pasted all functions from other interfaces did a huge mess you wont find it since not exists anymore.

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40 minutes ago, Celestine said:

not even worth searching this crap interface it had tons of errors and who ever copy pasted all functions from other interfaces did a huge mess you wont find it since not exists anymore.

I have seen that you have made a clean inteeface in interlude with the damage on screen l2sublimity system would be possible to do that same on the freya interface ?


The classes I've seen were something like this, I don't remember it well.


L2sublimitydamagewnd , L2sublimityitem , uil2sublimitycommon ....


What I'm looking to achieve is a simple interface with experience bar on the bottom side, danage on screen, a cast skill bar and 5 hability shortcut bars

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32 minutes ago, destrodevianne said:

I have seen that you have made a clean inteeface in interlude with the damage on screen l2sublimity system would be possible to do that same on the freya interface ?


The classes I've seen were something like this, I don't remember it well.


L2sublimitydamagewnd , L2sublimityitem , uil2sublimitycommon ....



it's possible to be adapted for other chronicles aswell i have this on h5 also

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20 minutes ago, Celestine said:


it's possible to be adapted for other chronicles aswell i have this on h5 also

As a hobby I'm using acis with protocol 216 and the idea was to give it a classic but conservative look.
I've managed to put 5 bars for the skills horizontally and
As a vertical option 3 bars successfully, 
Now I'm trying to create the experience bar Neophron_Belt, I understand programming, but my knowledge of UnrealScript is very poor.





58 minutes ago, Celestine said:


it's possible to be adapted for other chronicles aswell i have this on h5 also

You think it's possible to share the uc classes of l2sublimity that can work on the freya interface?, it's possible that h5 is almost the same without difference.

can help me with this uc class, I can't compile because I don't know how to fix this code


// SublimityDamageWnd.

class SublimityDamageWnd extends SublimityItem;

const TYPE_RESIST2= 12;
const TYPE_RESIST= 11;
const TYPE_BLOCK2= 10;
const TYPE_BLOCK= 9;
const TYPE_MISS2= 8;
const TYPE_MISS= 7;
const TYPE_EXP= 6;
const TYPE_MANA= 5;
const TYPE_HEAL= 4;
const TYPE_CP= 3;
const TYPE_DAMAGE2= 2;
const TYPE_DAMAGE= 1;
const DIRECTION_UP= -1;
const TEX_COUNT= 15;
var ButtonHandle hEnableBtn;
var TextureHandle hDisableTex;
var bool bShowing;
var TextureHandle m_Digits[310];
var int m_TextWidth[20];
var int m_TextHeight[20];
var int m_TextOffset[20];
var int m_TextOffsetCorrection[20];
var int m_LastUsedContainer;
var int m_Direction[30];
var int m_ContainerType[30];
var int m_DamageQueue[20];
var int m_DamageQueueCount[20];
var int m_Type2Count;

function OnLoad ()
	local int i;
	local int ii;
	local int C;

	m_TextWidth[0] = 18;
	m_TextWidth[1] = 11;
	m_TextWidth[2] = 17;
	m_TextWidth[3] = 17;
	m_TextWidth[4] = 17;
	m_TextWidth[5] = 17;
	m_TextWidth[6] = 16;
	m_TextWidth[7] = 17;
	m_TextWidth[8] = 18;
	m_TextWidth[9] = 16;
	m_TextWidth[10] = 10;
	m_TextWidth[11] = 10;
	m_TextWidth[12] = 0;
	m_TextWidth[13] = 60;
	m_TextWidth[14] = 81;
	m_TextWidth[15] = 85;
	m_TextOffset[0] = 53;
	m_TextOffset[1] = 77;
	m_TextOffset[2] = 96;
	m_TextOffset[3] = 118;
	m_TextOffset[4] = 142;
	m_TextOffset[5] = 165;
	m_TextOffset[6] = 188;
	m_TextOffset[7] = 211;
	m_TextOffset[8] = 232;
	m_TextOffset[9] = 257;
	m_TextOffset[10] = 17;
	m_TextOffset[11] = 35;
	m_TextOffset[12] = 288;
	m_TextOffset[13] = 17;
	m_TextOffset[14] = 96;
	m_TextOffset[15] = 196;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[0] = -1;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[1] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[2] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[3] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[4] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[5] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[6] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[7] = -2;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[8] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[9] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[10] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[11] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[12] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[13] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[14] = 0;
	m_TextOffsetCorrection[15] = 0;
	i = 1;
	if ( UnknownFunction152(i,30) )
		C = UnknownFunction144(i,10);
		ii = 0;
		if ( UnknownFunction150(ii,15) )
			m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,ii)] = TextureHandle(GetHandle(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(i)),"Wnd.Digit"),string(i)),string(UnknownFunction146(ii,1)))));
			goto JL0243;
		goto JL0221;

function OnEvent (int Event_ID, string a_Param)
	switch (Event_ID)
		case 580:
		if ( UnknownFunction129(GetOptionBool("Game","SublimityOnScreenDisable")) )
		case 40:

function HandleRestart ()
	local int i;

	i = 1;
	if ( UnknownFunction152(i,30) )
		goto JL0007;

function HandleSystemMessage (string a_Param)
	local string Index;
	local string Param1;
	local string Param2;

	if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"35"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"1026")) )
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"36"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"37")) )
		} else {
			if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"296"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"297")),UnknownFunction122(Index,"333")),UnknownFunction122(Index,"686")),UnknownFunction122(Index,"812")) )
			} else {
				if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1066") )
				} else {
					if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1067") )
					} else {
						if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1068") )
						} else {
							if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1069") )
							} else {
								if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1405") )
								} else {
									if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1406") )
									} else {
										if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"42") )
										} else {
											if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"43") )
											} else {
												if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"139") )
												} else {
													if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"157"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"159")) )
													} else {
														if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"111"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"1281")) )

function ShowIndicator (int Type, int Value, int nGroupThreshold, bool bGrouped)
	local int Container;

	if ( UnknownFunction151(nGroupThreshold,0) )
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction151(m_LastUsedContainer,30) )
			m_LastUsedContainer = 1;
		Container = m_LastUsedContainer;

function ShowAndAnimate (int Type, int Container, int Value, bool bGrouped)
	local string WindowName;
	local int offsetX;
	local int offsetY;

	WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd");
	if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,1),UnknownFunction154(Type,7)),UnknownFunction154(Type,9)),UnknownFunction154(Type,11)) )
		offsetX = UnknownFunction146(-120,UnknownFunction147(20,UnknownFunction167(40)));
		offsetY = 0;
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,2),UnknownFunction154(Type,8)),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) )
			offsetX = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction146(-20,UnknownFunction167(40)));
			offsetY = 0;
		} else {
			if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,3),UnknownFunction154(Type,4)) )
				offsetX = UnknownFunction146(-135,UnknownFunction147(20,UnknownFunction167(40)));
				offsetY = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction167(0));
			} else {
				if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) )
					offsetX = UnknownFunction146(-135,UnknownFunction147(20,UnknownFunction167(40)));
					offsetY = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction167(0));
	if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,7),UnknownFunction154(Type,9)),UnknownFunction154(Type,11)) )
		offsetY = 40;
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,8),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) )
			offsetY = -40;
	if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,2) )
		if ( UnknownFunction154(m_Type2Count,7) )
			m_Type2Count = 1;
		offsetX = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction146(-20,UnknownFunction167(40)));
		if ( UnknownFunction154(m_Type2Count,1) )
			offsetX = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction167(5));
		offsetY = 0;
		if ( UnknownFunction151(m_Type2Count,3) )
			offsetY = 50;

function SetDirection (int Container, int Direction)
	m_Direction[Container] = Direction;

function int GetDirection (int Container)
	return m_Direction[Container];

function OnTimer (int Container)
	local string WindowName;
	local float FadeValue;
	local bool bGrouped;

	FadeValue = 0.0;
	if ( UnknownFunction151(Container,0) )
		WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd");
		if ( UnknownFunction154(m_ContainerType[Container],6) )
		} else {
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction150(Container,0),UnknownFunction151(Container,-100)) )
			Container = UnknownFunction144(Container,-1);
			bGrouped = False;
			if ( UnknownFunction151(m_DamageQueueCount[Container],1) )
				bGrouped = True;
			m_DamageQueue[Container] = 0;
			m_DamageQueueCount[Container] = 0;
		} else {
			Container = UnknownFunction144(-1,Container);
			if ( UnknownFunction154(UnknownFunction125(string(Container)),3) )
				Container = int(UnknownFunction128(string(Container),1));
			} else {
				Container = int(UnknownFunction128(string(Container),2));
			WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd");

function TimerFadeOut (int Container, int Duration, int Steps)
	local int i;
	local int C;
	local int D;

	i = 1;
	C = UnknownFunction145(100,Steps);
	D = UnknownFunction145(Duration,Steps);
	if ( UnknownFunction152(i,Steps) )
		goto JL0028;

function SetValue (int Type, int Container, int Value, bool bGrouped)
	local int i;
	local string S;
	local string WindowName;
	local string wValue;
	local int C;
	local int nDigit;
	local int Length;
	local int PreviousDigit;

	m_ContainerType[Container] = Type;
	WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd");
	C = UnknownFunction144(Container,10);
	i = 0;
	if ( UnknownFunction150(i,15) )
		goto JL0061;
	wValue = string(Value);
	if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,4),UnknownFunction154(Type,3)),UnknownFunction154(Type,6)),UnknownFunction154(Type,5)) )
		wValue = UnknownFunction112("#+",wValue);
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,7),UnknownFunction154(Type,8)) )
			wValue = "M";
		} else {
			if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,9),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)) )
				wValue = "B";
			} else {
				if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,11),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) )
					wValue = "R";
				} else {
					if ( bGrouped )
						wValue = UnknownFunction112("#",wValue);
	Length = UnknownFunction125(wValue);
	i = 1;
	if ( UnknownFunction152(i,Length) )
		S = UnknownFunction234(UnknownFunction128(wValue,i),1);
		if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"+") )
			nDigit = 10;
		} else {
			if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"-") )
				nDigit = 11;
			} else {
				if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"#") )
					nDigit = 12;
				} else {
					if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"M") )
						nDigit = 13;
					} else {
						if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"B") )
							nDigit = 14;
						} else {
							if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"R") )
								nDigit = 15;
							} else {
								nDigit = int(S);
		if ( UnknownFunction151(i,1) )
		PreviousDigit = nDigit;
		goto JL01A9;

function int GetU (int nDigit)
	return m_TextOffset[nDigit];

function int GetV (int Type)
	if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,1) )
		return 18;
	} else {
		if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,2) )
			return 68;
		} else {
			if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,3) )
				return 118;
			} else {
				if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) )
					return 168;
				} else {
					if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,4) )
						return 218;
					} else {
						if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,6) )
							return 268;
						} else {
							if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,7),UnknownFunction154(Type,9)),UnknownFunction154(Type,11)) )
								return 399;
							} else {
								if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,8),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) )
									return 449;
	return 18;

function int GetWidth (int nDigit, int Type)
	if ( UnknownFunction154(nDigit,12) )
		if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,1) )
			return UnknownFunction146(31,2);
		if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,3) )
			return UnknownFunction146(20,2);
		if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) )
			return UnknownFunction146(24,2);
		if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,4) )
			return UnknownFunction146(22,2);
		if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,6) )
			return UnknownFunction146(31,2);
	return m_TextWidth[nDigit];

function int GetHeight (int nDigit)
	return 27;

function int GetOffsetCorrection (int nDigit)
	return m_TextOffsetCorrection[nDigit];



please delete or close this post , I have already been able to solve my problem, a greeting. 

I have already been able to solve my problem, a greeting. 


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On 5/14/2021 at 6:36 PM, destrodevianne said:


please delete or close this post , I have already been able to solve my problem, a greeting. 


ok, locked.

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  • Vision locked this topic
This topic is now closed to further replies.

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