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[GR/ENG] [Gracia T2 L2J] www.L2Battlenet.tk <<<JOIN NOW>>>

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O server L2 Battlenet  leitourgei mia evdomada... mexri tora exoume 150 accounts...

skopos mas einai na enothoume oloi oi palioi paiktes apo bnb kai eglobal kai na ksanaftiaksoume to agno kai sosto lineage

opos tote...


o server einai hosted apo tin alisida internet cafe BATTLENET internet stations

.  auto simainei oti einai me static ip kai den uparxei periptosi na klisei ksafnika... edo sas uposxomaste oti den tha xasete pote tis ores sas me wipes kai ta loipa...


o server einai stimenos pano se 4 24ares grames... ola einai testarismena kai paizei apsoga.

den tha uparksoun pote DONATORS oute diafthora anamesa se GMs kai paiktes.





    exp = x5

     cp  = x10

adena = x6

  drop  = x6


gia tin ora eimaste 4 GM java programers. kai eimaste panta stin diathesi sas


diafora prototipa event tha uparxoun suxna pukna oste na mporesoume na euxaristisoume olous sas alla kai autous pou protimoun na paizoun pvp servers kai oxi low rate......


elate na enothoume oloi kai na thimithoume ta palia...

empisteuteite mas .... den tha sas apogoiteusoume

exoume thesi ena stoxo kai tha ton petuxoume.....


kanoume ta panta gia na plisiasoume oso to dinaton perisotero tin statherotita tou official.


mpite sto site mas...   www.l2battlenet.tk        psifiste mas oste na doun to server kai alloi....

help us populate....


p.s.   updates tha ginontai panta in game.... kai backups kathe idous kratiountai ana deuterolepto....

        oso gia to site.... epontai polles epipleon leitourgies.... opos live chat   kathimerina news sxetika me ti event tha uparxei ana mera kai alla polla.....




euxaristo prokatavolika.... see you ingame ;)


euxomai kali eputixia file mou....


eimai 46 lvl  kai mexri tora eimai polu euxaristimenos apo ola sto server sas....


tha po kai kati filous mou pou paizoun ston elixir.


einai orea na uparxei enas low rate kalos gracia part2 server... elpizo na gemisei suntoma polu polu kosmo


bnb players kai e-global all together.... tha ginei xamos....


by the way..... oi gms eiste polu filikoi thanks for the support guys....


keep up the good work ;)




The Server L2 Battlenet  is Online for about a week... untill now we have 150 accounts...

Our main purpose is to gather all old players from the e-global and bnb servers that used to exist in the past and generally players from all over the world so we can create once again the pure and nice lineage.


The server is hosted from BATTLENET internet stations.

And this means it has static ip and it will never close... In this server we ensure you that you will not lose anything from wipes or such things.


the server is set up on 4  24mbit connections... Everything its tested and works perfectly with no lag.

In our server we will NEVER have DONATORS or Corruption Between GMs AND players.





   exp = x5

    cp  = x10

adena = x6

 drop  = x6


For now... we are 4 GMs java programers. And we are always at your service.


Special events will take place every now and then so we keep you entertained and players that prefer high rate servers will be satisfied from our awesome events.


lets gather up and remember the old nice days...

trust us .... we will not let you down

we have set a goal and we will succeed.....


we are doing everything we can so that we get as closer to the official stability in all matters.


Log in our site...   www.l2battlenet.tk       vote for us so other players will see our server as well....

help us populate....

p.s.   we will always update everything in game... and we backup everything every second ....

       as for our site.... there will be many new features.... like live chat   daily news for the special event that will take place AND LOTS OF OTHER.....




thanks in advance.... see you ingame ;)


Kalhspera se olous,


Eimai palios paixths official tou server -Gustin- kai thelhsa na dokimasw na peksw enan kapos pio "eukolo" gia emena server (giati opoiosdhpote overrated server ektos official einai pio eukolos:P) mias kai eimai latrhs tou Lineage :D

O server pragmatika aksizei einai stable kai oi Gms kanoun ta panta gia na boithisoun tous players se otidipote(malista molis eftiaksa acount kai mphka o Gm mou edose merika SS gia na me boithisei ligo sto ksekinima mou!) !einai polu filikoi kai kanoun ta panta gia na mhnoume euxaristimenoi !:)


Aksizei na dokimasete na kanete ena acount opos ekana kai egw kai pistepste me tha sas pisei kai tha paraminete ston server!

Epeishs opos proseksa den exei katholou lag kai (an kai akoma einai noris..) den exei bugs !


To mono sigouro einai oti gia na ginei akoma kalhteros o server xreiazete th boitheia twn paixtwn dld emas!


Elpizw na ton dokimasete kai na ginoume perissoteroi !


exoume arxisei na ginomaste arketoi... oi gms ontos einai polu filiki... kai genikotera ta atoma pou paizoun.... ta events pou kanoun oi gm einai apisteuta.... exei polu plaka i oli fasi..... ego prosopika ton diafimizo oso mporo ton server auton... kai tha meino.... os palios paiktis tou eglobal....


elpizo na mpoun oloi oi palioi apo eglobal suntoma na thimithoume ta palia....


a lot of people dont play to java servers because of the bugs that exist. our server is java because its sponsored from battlenet internet stations and only java has a license. this means that the server will not close unexpectedly like the e-global and bnb did. and at programing everything is possible... we are working on it to fix every bug that may exist.


thanks all of you for the support. :D


new outstanding events have been added...


check our site daily and vote for us...




the top player will be awarded every 2 months.


Be The Best ;)


as i told you before the server is hosted from the internet stations battlenet.... our main  target is to gather here all players from BNB and E-Global.... join us guys...

happy new year all XD

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