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L2J High Five Project

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L][-Evanthe is a HighFive project written in Java-14 and focuses mostly on adding and fixing retail content.

Custom content is included and varies according to the taste of each owner. Can run as a low, mid and high rate server.

A person whose knowledge is sufficient in Official is also providing support in adding missing content for a better datapack experience.


Features Preview

*New Drop system is coded from scratch since the L2J drop system was written in a bad way.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Item Rates
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drop Multipliers
# Default: 1.0
DeathDropMultiplier = 1
CorpseDropMultiplier = 1
HerbDropMultiplier = 1
RaidDropMultiplier = 1

# List of items affected by custom drop rate by id, used now for Adena rate too.
# Usage: itemId1,multiplier1;itemId2,multiplier2;...
# Note: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# Example for Raid boss 1x jewelry: 6656,1;6657,1;6658,1;6659,1;6660,1;6661,1;6662,1;8191,1;10170,1;10314,1;
# Default: 57,1
DropMultiplierByItemId = 57,1

# Multiplies group chance without affecting the chance 
# of each individual drop inside the group.
# Default: 1.0
GroupDropChanceMultiplier = 1
# Limit Group drops to the given value. 0 - Disable
# Ex. Set Min to 2 and Max to 4, a group will calculate 
# the droppable items shuffle them and drop 2 - 4 random items.
# Default: 0
GroupDropItemLimitMin = 0
GroupDropItemLimitMax = 0

# Limit the max allowed drop quantity for weapon, armor & jeweler. 0 - Disable
# Ex. Set DropWeaponMaxLimit to 1 all droppable weapons 
# will have max quantity of 1
# Default: 0
DropWeaponLimit = 0
DropArmorLimit = 0
DropJewelerLimit = 0
# Raid bosses
RaidDropWeaponLimit = 0
RaidDropArmorLimit = 0
RaidDropJewelerLimit = 0

# List of items affected by drop quantity limit
# Usage: itemId1,limit1;itemId2,limit2;...
# Default: 6656,1
DropLimitByItemId = 6656,1

* Trade system is coded from scratch since the L2J one had visual bugs and stuck icons upon trading


* Retail Events



* Retail Events scheduler recoded which now allows an event to start if current time is within the event's period or schedule for the next year

<event name="Halloween" active="23 Oct-01 Nov"

* Nevit's Blessing



* All Ice Queen Instances (Including Extreme)





* Blood Altar spawn



Custom Code (Config ex.)


* Reward scheduler

	   <set name="enable" val="true" /> <!-- Enable the system -->
	   <set name="minLevel" val="76" /> <!-- Minimum level required to receive reward. 0 - Disable -->
	   <set name="minOnlineDay" val="0" /> <!-- Minimum online days required since player created to receive reward. 0 - Disable -->
	   <set name="maxOfflineDay" val="3" /> <!-- Maximum offline days a player can be to get reward if offlineReward is enabled. 0 - Disable Offline reward -->
	   <set name="maxRewardPerIP" val="0" /> <!-- Maximum reward per IP. 0 - Disable -->
	   <set name="rewardTransferType" val="WAREHOUSE" /> <!-- The way reward is transfer to player: INVENTORY, MAIL, WAREHOUSE. Offline players if enabled receive only in warehouse. -->
	   <set name="mailMessage" val="Daily Reward" /> <!-- The message displayed in mail. -->
	<holder schedule="20:00">
                <set name="premium" val="true" />
			<item id="6393" count="50" />
	<holder schedule="SAT 18:00, SUN 21:00">
			<item id="6393" count="5" />


* Tournament with lobby

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tournament System
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Location of teams and observers
# Ex. -87351, -252840, -3341
TournamentBlueLocation = -87351, -252840, -3341
TournamentRedLocation = -88811, -252843, -3331
TournamentObserverLocation = -88075, -252835, -3331
# Winner Team reward list. 
# Ex. 57,100;6393,10
TournamentReward = 57,100;6393,10
# Duration of battle. Value in second
TournamentDuration = 60
# Min level to participate - 0 to disable 
# Default: 76
TournamentMinLevel = 76
# Restricted Classes. 
# Ex. 7, 36
# Default: 0
TournamentRestrictedClassId = 0
# Allow Potion use while in battle
# Default: True
TournamentAllowPotion = True
# Allow observers to see the match
# Default: True
TournamentAllowObserver = True
# Allow same IP to participate in tournament - 0 to disable
# Default: 0
TournamentMaxPlayerPerIP = 0
# Allow resurrection of players
# Default: True
TournamentAllowResurrection = True

If you're interested contact me on discord: Evanthe#7773

Edited by L2-Evanthe
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Trust this guy, it is really good in what he did. You have to trust on him. He sell a good stuff for L2j. Doesn;t metter what bugs you will find. This is real DEVELOPER comparative with others which i meet here!


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15 hours ago, chobo said:

cuanto vale amigo?


What's the reason of writing in a language that 70% of forum cannot understand?

Rewrite your question in English or send me private in discord.

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