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high five [L2J] L2Vermilion


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After some months of work and with a background of more than 12 years of L2 playing experience on lots of servers, we decided that no server was good enough for us, so we decided to make our own.
We are proud to announce that our upcoming High Five Server “Cardinal x20” is open for beta testing. The release date is scheduled in 2 weeks’ time, if everything goes smoothly.
If you feel the same about most servers, you can make a difference on our server by helping us tweak it before the big launch. We would like to build a community of passionate people who want to make an impact.
For those of you who are interested, our server is located in Europe and it should be able to handle a lot of concurrent connections. The game server is running on a dedicated Linux machine with a dual Xeon architecture, 32GB RAM and an SSD. We run it on a high bandwidth, with the possibility to get more if necessary.
You can find all the info on our website https://l2vermilion.com
If you don’t want to visit our website, here are the main features of our server:
•    20x XP/SP 
•    10x Adena/Drop/Spoil, 
•    Enchant Rate - Normal 55% , Blessed 65%, Safe + 4, Max +16.
•    GM Shop with items up to low S grade
•    1-hour buffs from the scheme Buffer integrated in the Community Board (which can be used outside towns, when not in fight)
•    We intend it to be a crafting server. Masterwork items are enabled.
•    Fully fledged Community Board system with everything you need inside
•    AIO item and “.aioitem” command for quick access to extra sutff
•    Fully automated custom events
•    Custom commands include like “.ccp” (character control panel - trade refusal, block XP, stop animations, etc.)
•    “Dress me” system with “.dressme” command (this can be used to change appearance of armors and weapons, for yourself or everyone to see)
•    Achievement system (rewards when you level up or reach some milestones like becoming Nobless, join a high-level clan, kill an epic boss for the first time, etc.)
•    Drop Calculator database - integrated in Community Board.
•    NPC information with “shift+click”
There is also a donation system in place for the people who want to support us. As we didn’t like servers which were “pay to win” when we played, we had to engineer a reward system that doesn’t put donators in a position where they can basically just one shot everyone. Our reward system has minimal impact on the gameplay. Even if no one will donate, we are just glad to keep the game balanced and the players happy.
Everyone who is joining the open beta can also have a say in what features will be implemented next and influence what will be our future direction. The upcoming changes which will be implemented in the next couple of weeks will be based on your suggestions. Every new idea is welcome.
Keep in mind that everyone who helps in the open beta phase will get a reward when the server officially launches. We will think of something making worth your while.

Edited by DukeAwesome
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10 hours ago, L2Vermilion said:

After some months of work 


XD why lie?

You have nothing unique on your server, what took months to code? 

edit the config files? copy paste features?

You'r too lazy to even spend more then 5 min on a server presentation.

Edited by Lin2Dev
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As you may have guessed, the server development is a side hustle and not a full time job for us. We did it out of pure joy and passion for the game. Anyone who took the time to develop a server from scratch and do some coding here and there will know that a l2j server takes a lot of time and effort to implement, test and fine tune.

You are free to join our server and give us any relevant feedback, we would really appreciate it.


Thank you,

L2 Vermilion Team

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