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Hey guys, iam intrested in classic files but all i found in forum is remorse who is renting some kind of files, l2mobius(as i understand buggy AF) and l2scripts (same buggy, but expensive). Its all what we got? On what files all classic files launching today like l2mars or smth similar to them?

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Hmm no one can keep up with the quality of Classic versions, because they keep them bakin' very often.
To conclusion about 'private packs' - there are none.

If we look from perspective of projects:
L2Encore - launched recently, based on L2JMobius, GLO hired Devs to fix bugs for that pack. In conclusion I haven't played in that project or even logged in - so can't say if they are playable.
L2Lionna/Ramona..etc - Based on L2JScripts. It's easy to add any H5 feature without huge knowledge to L2jScripts packs because hierarchy of sources are very familiar with Fandc/L2Ro.
L2Remorse - They bought sources from L2jScripts and project manager hired russian developers.
L2Mars - same L2jScripts pack or sources (idk what they bought).

About quality - i can't talk anything because i haven't played in these kind of projects, but i guess you can make a view of what is happening. Everyone is taking/buying sources and working on them. Why? Well you take one version and you focus on that and what L2jMobius/L2jScripts have - they have loads of branches from interlude to classic and they have to maintain them all so the bug fixes are not coming so fast. Of course they have same core so for example if one bug fix can be applied to another branch - they do apply it for all branches that fit.


My opinion - don't get scammed by random people, contact project owners and/or if you get information what pack they use - buy files, fix bugs and enjoy.

Edited by Pleyne
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If i may be honest any classic fork is "buggy af" at this moment. They're all kinda new, so unless you're skilled enough to solve their issues, you either have to hire someone for this job or wait until they reach a stable point.

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On 5/25/2020 at 10:31 PM, retejas said:

Hey guys, iam intrested in classic files but all i found in forum is remorse who is renting some kind of files, l2mobius(as i understand buggy AF) and l2scripts (same buggy, but expensive). Its all what we got? On what files all classic files launching today like l2mars or smth similar to them?

You can look at this project if you are looking for something stable, free and with daily updates.


It's based on Official and actual Classic NA client (272) and support many oficial features..
Good luck!

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