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What would you do?

Guest skaros

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I think this will be a nice topic ^^

Lets start... ill tell you a situation and i want you to reply on what would you do.


Well... imagine that earth is doomed... you live in New York.

All people are turning into zombies from an infection.If the

zombies scractch you you will turn one of them in one hour.

Tell me now what would you do and who would you take with you!

Let ur imagination ho wild!!!




-Zombies are stupid (just walking around)

-Say smthing that wont be that crazy -.-


I'll tell you what ill do.


First of all i would go to my closest friend and take him with me.

I would also steal a car and go to the gun shop and take all guns.

I would go back to the car and head to see if our girlfriends are ok...

if they are we are going to take them with us.After that i wouldn't go

to the mall because all things would be fucked up there... so...

i would go to a tool shop to buy some tools.Then i will search for a gas

station and take some galons to have so we can move.Then i would go

search for an Internet cafe with the closest mart around it.So i could go

to the net make a tunnel with the tools i just took and live in the internet cafe

with my amigos and i would w8 all of this to end...

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Resident Evil + 28 Days Later Are Bad For You Skaros..!


Stop Watching Them!



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Resident Evil + 28 Days Later Are Bad For You Skaros..!


Stop Watching Them!




I havent watched any zombie movie since i was 13... so ...

just got boring with my usles pc... i cant do anything!!!

My arm hurts (Cant play basketball)

I finished GTA VCS in ps2 (second time)

I m so bored that i even studied 1 hour... (ZOMG!)

And i cant w8 to go to my english lesson in 8 o clock...



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Resident Evil + 28 Days Later Are Bad For You Skaros..!


Stop Watching Them!


nah he was speaking about Legend (The will smith movie ^^)


i would pick my parents , 1 friend get the hell out ofthe city and lunch a nuke in there , to make it short story :P

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nah he was speaking about Legend (The will smith movie ^^)


i would pick my parents , 1 friend get the hell out ofthe city and lunch a nuke in there , to make it short story :P




Why didn't i think of that?

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nah he was speaking about Legend (The will smith movie ^^)


They Are Almost Teh Same..







@About the topic shit..


well , i would find a porno star not infected, i would also steal a bank and take All the money.

after that i would go to a supermarket to buy things that i will need ( condoms too ^^ )

and then to a gas station as skaros said for fuel..



then i would start driving until i reach somewhere lonely.. u know at a forest or sth..

and i would sit there..



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well , i would find a porno star not infected


u didnt get the game no? This is still reality xD and in reality a porno want you? 0xa0xa0x0a Better luck next time :P


and i would sit there..


xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you say u kidnap a porno star why would you sit then? LOOLOOOLOLOOLOLLOOL

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u didnt get the game no? This is still reality xD and in reality a porno want you? 0xa0xa0x0a Better luck next time :P




Do You think that pornostars check ur appearance?

if it was that, why all ugly mf's go and become pornostars ?


cmon mate ..sit and think..



xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you say u kidnap a porno star why would you sit then? LOOLOOOLOLOOLOLLOOL


Do You Really Wanna Learn What I Would Do?


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Do You think that pornostars check ur appearance?

if it was that, why all ugly mf's go and become pornostars ?


No if you pay them , but money isnt important any more the world is full of zombies lol she would not touch you with a stick :P

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Why don't you just go in www.google.com and search for a new life without problems.. xD




If that happen i will get a gun and kill everyone i see, kids , zombies, humans, dogs ,bears also i will get dynamits and blow a city up [thats going to be real fun] my girl friend will be with me so she can make me feel better while i kill the ugly mf's than until the momment im alone in the whole city/country i will go to my home cit on the couch and count to 100 after i do this i will kill my neighbor's dog than i will go smash some car with a big naughty hammer than i will fart after that im not sure what i will do but it will be stupid than i will go to the jungle and play chess with a monkey thats not zombie-like .. after that if he/she wins i will blow her head of get her eyes out and stick it in a dead bears ass after that i will go back to my home live till the whole city provision's aren't gone than i will take a rocket and lunch myself to another planet so i can kill someone there too after that when its time to die i will die and meet BUDA although i will have a gun with me i will f2ck his ass of than i will be GOD and i will live happily ever after .. The booring end.

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