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[Discussion] Favorite Hero/Favorite Build/Justification

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Hi there


In this topic , we'll present our favorite hero , our favourite item build for this hero, and a small "why" about the build.


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Here's my  favorite hero.





Big Crits, Survivability and Imbalanced late game :)


Item Build

BTNWirtsLegGreen.gif Treads = Obvious reason, IAS and the +10 stat boost is valuable early game

BTNINV_Helmet_13.gif Dominator = You can upgrade it to Satanic if you have the money , works great with big crits  , with a nice damage boost and cost

BTNINV_ThrowingAxe_06.gif Battle Fury = Awesome for mortred, you can destroy a creep wave with just a crit, useful to farm the other items

BTNINV_Weapon_Halberd_10.gif Monkey King Bar = Since mortred has no stun, I get this for the bash, since it cancels spells, stuns during chases and provides nice crits that stack with our crit (unlike burizza)

BTNHeartOfAszune.gif Heart Of Tarasque = Obvious, hp and regen makes you godlike

BTNRodOfNecromancy.gif black king bar = Not necessary, even tho i like it when i fight permabashers like troll.




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There is indeed many Heroes that i like to play with but i can say that my strong part is with most of the Agility Heroes, although that's not the Heroes that i am most strong with, however... :)


Let me introduce you to Yurnero Nbbc.gif a helper of mine in many hard dota's and always a promising winner :).

Skills : BTNWhirlwind.gifBTNHealingWard.gifBTNAbility_Parry.gifBTNOmnislash.gif


He is not that amazing in the start although his true pWnaGiNG starts from nearly the mid game which also means when you have finally made those items for a start and the next items that will be a guide to the very end.


1. BTNWirtsLegGreen.gif --> Power Threads which is a item that you well know and A MUST in start game till the very end.


2. BTNCloakOfFlames.gif Vladimir's Offering if that is the name i don't quite remember but however that is the second item i usually do and it is really helpful and affective while using it combined with the imba ultimate of Yurnero


3. BTNINV_ThrowingAxe_06.gif The Battle Furry , a must item for Yurnero , since he is one of the most promising heroes in melle battles you can find battle fury a very useful item while carried by this Hero ...


4. BTNINV_Weapon_Halberd_10.gif Monkey King's Bar this item you also well know is used for many battle strategy and a handful weapon for melee Hero's you may ask why are you doing this for Yurnero?!?! Since the ultime combined with this item makes extremely big amount of damage and it is indeed very useful since the DotA developing team still didn't find out this bug :).


5. BTNINV_ThrowingKnife_04.gif Butterfly a very common agility heroes weapon and a very good item for our Yuernero indeed however its not 100% needed to be made on him i usually replace that one with this one BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_10.gif Botize de kanyon if i am not mistaken , this item is very good againts tank classes , the critical chance of Yuernero increase along with the damage he deal which also means you will hit around 800 dmg per critical since the 3rd skill of Yuernero BTNAbility_Parry.gif which also provides critical chance hits from 200-300 damage usually and borize de kanyon will hit for 500 that means you lend 500-700 critical each hit, which also means you're unbalanced or PwNeR.


6. BTNINV_Chest_Chain_14.gif Assault .. I don't quite remember the full name although that's not important  what i am going to say about this item build on this char is that it provides great defence versus melee classes or even range classes that are in the matter Damage Dealers. Also it provides attack speed which will be very useful to you when you are in a melee fight or even when you strike someone in the back [ambush]. This item can be also replaced with this one BTNHeartOfSearinox.gif Refresher Orb which provides full restoration of the cooldown of each skill of yours which also means you can cast 2 ultimates at a time WHICH ALSO MEANS that you can meke 1 triple kill + 1 double kill just by using it :) And i will say this again this only depends on the Heroes you're fighting vs..


7. And last step for item build you should do is replace Vladimir's Offering with another, more powerful item known as this one BTNHornOfDoom.gif Satanic which also provides Health Points + Vampiric Regeneration + Active skill which abosrbs enemy unit causing its points to be transfered to you which is very helpful in the final push where you will be destroying bases along with your friendly forces. This item is not a must because i can assure you the game will be over until you have a chance to do it... there was just 1 time for me that i could do all this items in 1 game.. usually games for me end at mid level - 14-15-16 lvl.. not that there is leavers we just win xD.


About skills and how to use them... well you should figure that out ... a guide is not needed for this one as well since everyone has it own strategy which could be sometimes very creative.


Thanks for reading my whole message [ i doubt the fact you did but..] And thats one of my favorite chars and i repeat it's not the one i can play best with :).

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Yeh mate nice build, Altho I prefer


Boots of Travel + Vladimir's + Stygian Desolator + Butterfly + MKB on yurnero


I know battle fury is a nice item for him, but the void stone is just a waste when making it, since yurnero's intelligence is SO low ( bottom 10 ) that it doesn't make a difference....


Come on peeps! Post more!



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the only case the refresher orb goes well here...only an overfed imba could have made this and get the orb on yunero


everywhere else is a fail.just dont get it to him

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@NobLe you're right, b-cuz he has Eye in that situation which gives him a bonus MP.




Desolator is a failed item on yurnero better is Assault still decreasing armor and giving such a good atk speed

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Desolator is a failed item on yurnero better is Assault still decreasing armor and giving such a good atk speed


Not at all. It can give you a great advantage if you get it mid game. Assault Cuirass is a late game item (unless you have meepo) and , by then, it really depends on how well you've farmed.

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I am truly bored so i decided to make another Item Build for one of the DotA Heroes..


Name: TideHunter [TH]

Status: STR Hero

Range: Melee

Type: OwNinG


Hero's Image : Ofar.gif


Hero's Skills: BTNSummonWaterElemental.gifBTNNagaArmorUp3.gifBTNSeaGiantCriticalStrike.gifBTNSeaGiantWarStomp.gif


HaCkz0r's way for item building :


As a start of the game i usually attempt of doing those three items






Power threads is a usual must in the start of the game weather you make these , or boots of travel or something like that a item for increasing the hero's speed is a MUST in the start till the end.


Secondly you can choose weather you do Vanguard or Battle Fury than again the best thing to do first is Vanguard.


Now you can mame BattleFury ofc, it really comes in handy while used with the 3rd skill of TH.


Once you build that money farming wont be such of a problem so you can start collecting for this items






You should first do Refresher or at least thats what i do first...


Secondly you can make MKB [monkey king's bar] .


For the third item im not quite sure its a good thing to be done but i usually never fail with it but there is times that i rather buy hyper stone instead of it that of course depends a lot of your team and of your enemies.



Thats a very small explaining but its enough.


Well you can discuss of my latest hero build :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

my favorite hero is razor that i started the game dota gh7s6oulrqdjyt7ef0oz_thumb.gif


items : that pwnz every game with best enemies for razor + magina witch is Anti-Mage














With this items on razor i never have lose and im not lie

ask in garena LV: 35 name ToulipaS_Cs :P

Raz0R Ownz



C:\Documents and Settings\WORK STATION 2\Επιφάνεια εργασίας





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My favourite char on dota is Dwarven SniperBTNRifleman.gif



Item Build


Power Treads BTNWirtsLegGreen.gif

Lothars Edge BTNLothars.gif


Stygian Desolator BTNAbility_Gouge.gif


Butterfly BTNINV_ThrowingKnife_04.gif


Assault Cuirass BTNINV_Chest_Chain_14.gif

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So you make 5 items on him and you leave 1 slot for Iron Three Branch? :O

U Think i play -rich  mode?



Its very difficult to make all 5 of them coz most of the games are with leavers blabla


But even if i make them all(Happened just one time) i get a sacred relic or a hyperstone

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my favorite hero is razor that i started the game dota gh7s6oulrqdjyt7ef0oz_thumb.gif


items : that pwnz every game with best enemies for razor + magina witch is Anti-Mage


With this items on razor i never have lose and im not lie

ask in garena LV: 35 name ToulipaS_Cs :P

Raz0R Ownz



C:\Documents and Settings\WORK STATION 2\Επιφάνεια εργασίας






you cant have SnY on Razor.minor stats much gold no usage at all

Stygian desolator also comes second...you cant rely on satanic that much


you have messed too many orb effects on razor



razor ideal item suit would be


Agi treads



a HoT(Heart Of Tarrasque) would be ideal in late games razor has low hp and its fragile

also try to farm for  lothars edge its a good choice for escape mechanism


also Avoid Boots Of Travel as Razor passive (unholy fervor)gives a great speed bonus thats why we get treads (plus treads give bonus stats)


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you cant have SnY on Razor.minor stats much gold no usage at all

Stygian desolator also comes second...you cant rely on satanic that much


you have messed too many orb effects on razor



razor ideal item suit would be


Agi treads



a HoT(Heart Of Tarrasque) would be ideal in late games razor has low hp and its fragile

also try to farm for  lothars edge its a good choice for escape mechanism


also Avoid Boots Of Travel as Razor passive (unholy fervor)gives a great speed bonus thats why we get treads (plus treads give bonus stats)


Whit razors speed Lothars is optional


He can escape from all in secs


Also a butterfly in the end could be a good choice too

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