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maxtor or smbd answer my question

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I have a question ! when i was playing on beyondc3 server, i was selling a lance (its a best B grade pole :) a guy came to me and asked if he can trade my lance in 25,000 C grade crystals because he havent got any money. I thought that if i sell those crystals i would make more money than selling that pole so i agreed. He made a trade and he was putting C grade crystals for a 1111 at a time while he was giving me cryst. he wrote several times on the chat "1111" ant when i agreed the trade he had my lance and i had only 1111 c grade crystals. Can smbd tell my how he did this ??? in english or lithuanian :) thx

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I have a question ! when i was playing on beyondc3 server' date=' i was selling a lance (its a best B grade pole :) a guy came to me and asked if he can trade my lance in 25,000 C grade crystals because he havent got any money. I thought that if i sell those crystals i would make more money than selling that pole so i agreed. He made a trade and he was putting C grade crystals for a 1111 at a time while he was giving me cryst. he wrote several times on the chat "1111" ant when i agreed the trade he had my lance and i had only 1111 c grade crystals. Can smbd tell my how he did this ??? in english or lithuanian :) thx[/quote']





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haha that is not a robe ^^ if he has those 25k crystals just tell him to sel em and give you the money like the bug with the mana potions "sell me mana pots for 10000000000each " yeah sure

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