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[L2OFF C1/C4] PathMaker

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Finally I crashed PathMaker algo, and managed to reconstruct it. I checked files, produced by leaked C4 PathMaker.exe, they are the same as chechsums of files, produced by my PathMaker (77 zones):

panthode.bin MD5 6e f4 cb 8d 34 c1 85 36 42 d3 00 1d ae ae 88 11
pathnode.idx MD5 d5 fe 45 50 d2 bd ad 25 e8 ed ef 6c 86 de 0e 31

So, this PathMaker is 100% compatible with C4


This time I also share algo overview together with PathMaker tool itself:1_original_19_24-jpg.28179


For those of you, who knows geodata format, this description should be enough. At run-time, L2Server uses A-* pathfinding algo in order to navigate from point A to point B, using PathNodes and links between them in order to bypass obstacles.




Detailed description of algo might be found here, unfortunately I don't have time to translate it to English.


Edited by MasterToma
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GF/GF-H5 compatible version is added. This version generates indexes with x_26 support, therefore is not compatible with C0-C6 L2Servers.


MD5 of 77 zones are the same, as from original PathMaker64.exe

panthode.bin MD5 6e f4 cb 8d 34 c1 85 36 42 d3 00 1d ae ae 88 11   
pathnode.idx MD5 f8 2c f7 6c 9f 0b bc 69 2f 23 18 f7 e3 73 93 08


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  • 1 month later...

Have you tried to build pathnodde with path64 for new clients and managed to //viewpn ingame? every time i have, //viewpn is massively screwed with lines/dots everywhere and massively broken, i am worried it is not actually building valid PN, as these primitive packets have not changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

weird, with build zoned geo, and pathmaker 64 pathnode i get //viewpn results as such in game


but for the most part, pathing seems to be fine, it just always bothered me that //viewpn was so broken, maby i am wrong about the packets not changing....

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  • 5 weeks later...

works for me with c4 geo, very nice pathnode generated. thanks.


but (in my case) pathmaker executable needs to be patched for 4gb support (IIRC, 1 byte in PE header), otherwise it crashes with memory alloc error. 

Edited by solidDwarf
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  • 1 month later...

Я протестировал v1.0.16.0 на C4 сервере и она не работает.

1. PathMaker падает с exception при попытке скормить квадраты 26_*, которые необходимы для C4.

2. PathMaker_GF отработал на GeoData от Storm, но сервер не смог его загрузить (invalid pathnode.bin в консоле или что-то в этом роде).

3. Обе версии падают с exception на многих других паках GeoData (например от Merchant и Stazis) на этапе проверки или вроде того.

При этом hdpngen_le работает с ними всеми, хотя pathnode.bin получается намного больше ~500Mb против ~300Mb.

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Возможно. 26_* квардаты она не умеет считать. Я еще копаюсь с С1, так что не обновлял до полной С4.

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  • 2 months later...

у меня работает на С4 гео без проблем. все генерится, выхлоп получается ~440 мб

видимо никто не читал мой пост по поводу нехватки памяти. по хорошему неплохо было бы собрать 64битный бинарь

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