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Hi everyone. I have a serverinterlude main class + 3 substack and I have a problem with that.

When I stack a sub It acumulates the skilles right? but It duplicates the heavy and light armor mastery as well.

How can I do to keep only the las mastery?.

I took this proseadure but It`s for Java. Any idea por SQL SERVER?


UPDATE skill_trees SET skill_id`='227' WHERE (name`='Light Armor Mastery');
UPDATE skill_trees SET skill_id`='231' WHERE (name`='Heavy Armor Mastery');


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Use [lin2world]

update user_skill set skill_id = 'wished skill id' where skill_id = 'unwanted skill_id'


that may carry other problems but if you think a little and work in the query you can have a solution.


Think on LEFT JOIN user_data subjob0_class, subjob1_class, subjob2_class, subjob3_class with the user_skill table 


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