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[Guide] Make you Website for FREE!!!


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Updated 14/1/2010

Video Tut:

Well, Today i will show you how to make your website for free...

First of all go to http://www.ucoz.com/ and click to "CREATE A WEBSITE"




Now, You must registration.


width=640 height=449http://i42.tinypic.com/141o5ee.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=449http://i44.tinypic.com/2utkwsj.jpg[/img]


When you Complete all steps press 2cqnr40.jpg


Now you must go to your e-mail. and you will see confirmation link.


width=640 height=446http://i39.tinypic.com/73c4ef.jpg[/img]


When you have done confrmation. You will have your webtop


width=640 height=446http://i39.tinypic.com/2hnmd0o.jpg[/img]


Now, press to "Create a website"


Write you Website address and press 2lwoccj.jpg


Your website have been successfully created, Now press al0l6p.jpg


width=640 height=446http://i40.tinypic.com/2rd88ps.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=446http://i41.tinypic.com/105yuew.jpg[/img]


Now you'r in your ccontrol Panel.

Here you must write your site name, change site design and site language.

My choose:

Site name: MxcTestSite

Site design: Design #826

Site language: English

To change Site desing press [select design]

When you have complete steps press 2re72a8.jpg


Now, select necessary modules, in future you can always install or deinstall any modules available in the system.


width=640 height=447http://i43.tinypic.com/2d2k4p.jpg[/img]


When you have select necessary modules, press 2re72a8.jpg


Now you have complete all steps and you have now your free web site.


width=640 height=447http://i44.tinypic.com/2rhl0r8.jpg[/img]


If you wanna to change something from your webs site you must login to control panel.

width=640 height=447http://i42.tinypic.com/2n8rn1z.jpg[/img]

Press me to see webs site!



Now, let's make and one from Webs.com

Firts of all go to http://www.webs.com/


width=640 height=447http://i44.tinypic.com/juy0ec.jpg[/img]


Now, Wtite Site Address and your password here:


And press xbkfaq.jpg

Now,Set up your Site Address and account information!


width=640 height=425http://i41.tinypic.com/34hxati.jpg[/img]


Now, Choose design.

width=640 height=425http://i39.tinypic.com/jgnrjr.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=425http://i44.tinypic.com/30s84e0.jpg[/img]


Now, Press nxq53a_th.jpg to create your webs site!


Vuala You create a website!

width=640 height=453http://i40.tinypic.com/33axy8o.jpg[/img]


From Control Panel you can  build your website...

width=640 height=453http://i42.tinypic.com/34edw6f.jpg[/img]

Press Me to See a website!


This Guide are 100% mine... If you don't understund something tell me and i will help you...

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O dont like this type of creat site, i think that u need creat one site u study and creat by u self. But u can intall a moodle or phpnuke, but use one payed host, because free host is sucks!!

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ha ha no + karma for ur guide :P

Hmmm mabey this guide did't too good...

very nice dude but how i can add my custom skin ? :D

hmmm i dond't know mabey... search...

Very usefull guide mate!!U help me a lot..

Np :)

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