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[SHARE] eL2Walker 2.05 GRACIA 2 [Works with L2J!!!]

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I am geting this critical eror. i loged in. i agree. and when its 1 step to character start its eror.. maybe i did something wrong. in guide what does it mean execute? ;D


General protection fault!


History: NCShortcutManager::GetSpecialKey <- NCShortcutManager::IsSpecialKeyPressed <- NConsoleWnd::IsPKMode <- NConsoleWnd::ConsolePostRender <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop




When i make system how u told i get this crit. when i change to server system. its ok .. so the problem is definintely about system and all stuf with walker ;D anybody knows what is it?

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