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[GRACIA II l2j] Event Guild - low rate launching soon!

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I'd like to invite you to Event Guild (low rate Gracia II)


With a group of friends we decided to open our own server. We are experienced players and know a bit about programming - enough to be able to introduce and maintain some custom settings to the server.


The server is billingual - polish and english and only those 2 languages are allowed on global chat channels. The website has 2 domains, however the language detector will display proper content based on the browser language settings. The website is located at:





and the discussion board here:




We named our server Event Guild because of our special attitude, which is frequent events. Right now we have ideas for 2-3 months of daily events. You will never be bored in Event Guild.


Another importance is that we didn't decide about the server settings upfront. We prepared some proposals of settings on the forum, however they are all up to discussion cause we want YOU, the players, to decide how the server you'll be playing on should look like. The most important thing you're chosing is the server rate (between x1 and x15). We suggest that all parameters (exp, sp, drop, adena, spoil, quest) should be set to the same value, however we are open to suggestions about this too.


In the same way you'll decide what will be available for donation (well, although a no-donate server is everyone's dream, we can't pay for it from our pockets). We also enabled the option to donate small amounts of money through a phone call. We believe those small donations will be enough to maintain the server.


We won't tolerate any bad behavior (bad language, begging, thefts etc) and we don't allow boxing. We modified the jail and that should motivate players to avoid this place ;). There are no limitations related to PK (except for getting the high score by killing allies or other cheats), but our event 'Arrest Warrant' will discourage (or encourage) to PK.


After the first few interested players filled the survey, the server settings would look like this:


1) No class change quests. Just talk to the NPC located in the Gludin village.

2) Subclass quest - necessary

3) Alternative exp calculation method - more exp for higher lvl monsters, less for lower lvl than the player.

4) Champion monsters - they have significantly increased combat values, but they're much easier than Raid Bosses. They give accordingly more exp and a chance for a special reward - Destruction Tombstone at the moment.

5) Wedding system. We only allow marriage of the opposite sex characters. It is possible to teleport to your love. Wedding cost - 2 500 000 adena.

6) Jail is the lawless area. Not only it is a pvp zone, but also it was invaded by monsters. You should avoid this place [that won't be changed].

7) During siege, the town which castle is under the siege is a pvp zone for siege participants.

8) Increased dwarven recipe book, cWH capacity, the number of items you can sell/buy at a pricate store.

9) New characters receives 5000 adena to start with.

10) Herbs remain on the ground for 1 minute. Items dropped on the ground disappear after 24 hours.

11) Max enchant = 65535. Safe enchant +3 (+4 for single part armors), success rate is 66%.

12) Increased requirements to enter the dimensional rift for higher lvl players (up to 100 fragments / person). The minimum number of players in party is 4.

13) Maximum numbers of clans in an alliance increased to 4.

14) It is possible to interrupt the bow attack in the same way as the magic attack.

15) If we receive weaker buff while the stronger one is still in effect, the weaker one will activate when the stronger one wears off.

16) 30 seconds spawn protection.

17) 2 seconds protection from aggro mobs after fake death.

18) Clan members with the appropinate rights can withdraw from the clan warehouse.

19) You can sort the WH items by the category or alphabetically.

20) Drops are picked up automatically (autoloot).

21) Unstuck time - 3 minutes.

22) Only members of alliance that owns a castle can join the Lords of Dawn during the 7signs.

23) Lotteries enabled.

24) Pets for rent (strider / wyvern).

25) GMShop with potions and other consumables.

26) 1 town would be a pvp-zone.

27) Overlord's skill affect the whole alliance

28) [discussion] Do you want the top C gear in shops & low B grade in Luxury, as introduced in Gracia?

Donations. Our suggestions:

- blessed enchant scrolls

- hair accessories

- exp (limited), to be introduced 6 months after server's start

- sp (without limits)

- mp potions (slow ones)

- change of your look or sex

- nickname change

- adena

- top lifestones max lvl 70

- pets (no wyverns)

- materials recipes


Our server will be the newest l2j (currently Gracia II) with geodata and pathfinding. We will update it weekly after testing all the updates on the test server.


The server will launch when 500 people register on the forum.


The server hardware will depend on its needs. At the start we will go with:


Processor Intel Quad Q6600 4x 2.40+ GHz 64 bits


HDD 250 GB

Connection 1 Gbps


When the players count increases, we're thinking about:


Processor Intel Bi Xeon Quad 8x 2.40+ GHz 64 bits



Connection 1 Gbps


... but this can change as the servers market is changing every minute.


If you like this article I welcome you to the Event Guild! :)

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